
WHO AGREES WITH ME!? that horoscopes arent real, but astrology is.?

by  |  earlier

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  1. horoscope is a result of the stats istical data based on planetary position ie astrology its only the interpretation which matters pl read COLLSZODIACTHE UNIQUE ONE


  2. I agree 100%, because I have never known my horoscope to come true.

  3. yeah definitely, horoscopes are too broad, the daily/monthly ones and also the compatibility ones.. The study of astrology is true if you can grasp it, sometimes its hard for people to understand and so they may not believe it, its very complex but i think its true

  4. I agree somewhat  

  5. I agree....when I read the daily horoscopes I just laugh, majority of the time it doesn't even come close to what I am going through.....

    Now astrology I starting to believe it's more realistic.....It actually tell me something about myself.....Not always right but it very close.

  6. it is accurate..

  7. I agree...  a full personal astrology chart reading is surprisingly accurate...

  8. TOUCHE!

    I agree! Seriously!

  9. I agree. However, horoscopes can be accurate if properly done for an individual. I myself am a scorpio/saggitarian cusp, born at 3 minutes after midnight on a saturday under a full moon. I highly doubt that what applies to me applies to all other scorpios(functionally, that's what I am when having to choose,lol). But to do the horoscope accurately you have to use astrology, so it's a circular argument, lol.

    Good luck!  

  10. of course.

    I sometimes read my horospoce..........why did not  I win the lottery ???

    Real astrology is lot more accurate......just agreeing with the others really.

  11. Hi

    Have to agree with you on this one. Horoscope is useless and uinformative and rather for entertainment. Astroloy deals with your actual birth info and related to you directly, not the neighbor next door.

  12. Name something that astrology does better than random chance. Better than simpler and more likely alternatives. Or better than science. Link us up please.

  13. Yes, that is absolutely right!

  14. Completely agree!!!

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