
WHO AGREES ? We finnally are gonna get what we deserve a half bread hawian who's daddy left him,his momma did?

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not want him,was raised by grand parents in the SLUMS of Hawaii,and his only qualification is he's BLACK. Well ask the people of illinois who have paid his salary while he ran for president WHAT HAS HE DONE FOR THEM /




  1. And look how he treated his grandmother ("typical White woman").^

  2. What did Illinois get?  The same thing this country will should they elect him into office.  Seems they turn their head on his cocaine use, shady dealings with slumlord Rezko, then the radical Ayers or the racist church he would not denounce until his Rev Wright went on air about him.  

    Obama's story is no different then most American's but yet they make a big deal about it.  Looks to me as he did pretty good for himself considering he was a loser then and still is.

    Hey .....loved his line in his speech about taking care of your brother and sister.  Wonder how George in Kenya feels he is being taken care of

  3. your question is wholly ignorant on a number of points and insulting to children who come from single parent househilds but one fact check:

    His mother didn't abandon him. She sent him to live with his grandparents on Hawaii so that he could get an American education on scholarship at an elite high school and live part of his formative years among regular American teenagers,  instead of staying at a run down public school in Indonesia...She sent him to his family in Hawaii so he could have a chance at a better life and education and she joined him shortly thereafter (1-2 years later) before he graduated.    

  4. we already got what we deserve, when we put the bush man in there for 8 years to ruin good ol america.

  5. You pretty well summed it up except to say that his and Obamarosa's educations were paid for with tax dollars.

    Check out this Wall Street Journal article


  6. I don't believe Obama can win in November.  

  7. States do not pay the salaries of their Senators.

  8. This doesn't even deserve an answer. Spend sometime on education.

  9. Sorry but if Obama didnt get morale support from a father figure as a child then I dont think is Morales will be right,

  10. hmm, that's coming off a tiny bit racist... is that ur intention!?

  11. What a wonderful world it would be if all who have had diversity in their forming years would turn out like Obama. Eat your heart out.



  13. Palin's husband is Native as well.  There's nothing wrong with being poor or black.  Obama just doesn't have anything else to talk about.  Empty suits usually don't.

  14. I think Obama does have some abandonment issues.

  15. I think all the half breeds in the world should speak out.  That would be allot of people.

  16. Yes the obamas are just very angry black folks == and I DO NOT people like that in the highest office of this great country of ours

  17. I disagree simply because I don't believe enough Americans will be dumb enough to vote for him that he will get elected.

    Besides, as soon as he got in the White House he would probably start applying to the top spot of the U.N.!

    McCain/Palin '08

  18. No I don't agree!! We Don't need a Half Bread.LOL"Typical liberal Grammar.

  19. how dare you insult ALL the biracial people in the world!!! you deserved to be casterated. i am not pleased with obama either but you are WRONG dude...wrong wrong wrong

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