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Stoning disobedient children .

Why does the Bible tell parents in Deuteronomy 21:18-21 to kill their disobedient children with stones?

"If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, 19 his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. 20 They shall say to the elders, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a profligate and a drunkard." 21 Then all the men of his town shall stone him to death."

Who gave this law, I DON'T CARE if the Christians don't follow that old law, I want to know WHO GAVE THAT LAW?

Was a God's law yes or no?The he changed his mind becasue it was not cool to stone kids anymore ?

If we were -right now- in the old testament time, would then have been ok to stone kids to death , right?




  1. You are asking about a time before G-ds GRACE had came to earth.  Sin caused us to be separated from G-d.  We had only law and religion.  Yeshua (Jesus) came so that we could have grace and relationship.

  2. God gave this law. but He gave it only to his COVENANT people. When God gave the law to the Jews, He gave them a choice. They had the choice to obey the laws He set down, and He would be their God, or the choice to say no and walk away. Under His covenant, the rules were strict- He expected them to holy and walk differently than the pagan nations around them. His laws seem strict and cruel to us today, but we have to understand these people were coming out of paganism, and in order to teach them the discipline of a holy lifestyle, the rules were very stiff.

         In return for their obedience, God promised them a LOT of benefits. They would live long, healthy lives. He would defeat their enemies. He would prosper them and they would make great wealth. He would give them land and multiply them. But if they disobeyed the rules of the covenant, there were terrible consequences. They chose to accept God's deal- and that's why when He told them to stone disobedient children, it was to drive home a point- there could be no room for rebellion, or anything that could corrupt the nation. If a cancer starts growing, and it happens to be a disobedient child, better to kill that child than cause the entire nation to suffer the wrath of God. Covenants are binding contracts. We were never under that covenant .

  3. God gave this law to the Jews. He was trying to get across to the world just how bad sin is. In the O.T. people had to pay for their sins because Christ had not died on the cross yet. If you won't believe in God because you think getting stoned is bad, just wait until you go to h**l. If you think I'm trying to scare you into taking a second look at this whole thing, you are exactly right.

  4. john 1:17

    17For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

    So that

    Heb 7:18

    18The former regulation is set aside because it was weak and useless .    USELESS.

  5. The people that wrote the Bible in the Bronze/Iron Age.

  6. The Christian God did that.

    Nice God you have there!

    Amazing they think it was ok to stone kids to death in those times.

  7. Galatians 3:19

    Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator.

  8. (Deu 1:3)  And it came to pass in the fortieth year, in the eleventh month, on the first day of the month, that Moses spake unto the children of Israel, according unto all that the LORD had given him in commandment unto them;

    Moses spoke unto the children of Israel according to all that the Lord had given him in commandment unto them; repeated to them the several commandments, which the Lord had delivered to him at different times.

    It is observed (w) that this law quickly follows, and is subjoined to that which relates to the marriage of a woman taken captive, because often from such marriages wicked and refractory children have sprung, and which they exemplify in the case of Absalom, whose mother they say David took in war and married: the character of such a son follows, and by which it may be known that he is stubborn and rebellious; stubborn in his nature, and rebellious in his actions; behaves contrary to the laws of God, and the instructions of his parents; what he should do, that he does not; and what he should not do, that he does; will not do what is commanded him, and will do what is forbidden him, notwithstanding all counsels, admonitions, and corrections given him:

    is disobedient to the commands of either of them; see Pro_30:17 and, when they have chastened him, will not hearken to them; when they have reproved him by words, and corrected him with blows; the Jews understand this of scourging or beating by the order of the sanhedrim, after admonition given; it is said (x),"they admonish him before three (a court of judicature consisting of three judges), and they beat him; but it seems rather to respect private corrections of their own by words and stripes, which having no effect, they were to proceed as follows.''

    With their own hands, or cause him to be apprehended by others, in which they were to agree, and which the Jews gather from hence;"if (say they (y)) the father is willing (to bring him to justice), and the mother not willing, if his father is not willing and the mother is willing, he is not reckoned a stubborn or rebellious son, until they both agree:"

    according to the Misnah (z), the sanhedrim, or court of judicature, consisting of twenty three; for they say, that after he has been admonished and scourged by order of the bench of three, if he returns to his corrupt and wicked ways again, he is judged by the court of twenty three:

    Deu 21:20  And they shall say unto the elders of his city,....

    In open court, what follows, at the same time, according to the Targum of Jonathan, acknowledging their own sins, for which such a calamity had befallen them, saying,"we have transgressed the decree of the word of the Lord, because is born unto us a son that is stubborn,

    this our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice;

    one of an obstinate disposition, will have his own will and way, is perverse and refractory; honours not, but despises his parents, and is disobedient to their commands, unruly and ungovernable: the Jews gather (a) many things from hence, for which there is little foundation, as that they must be neither dumb, nor blind, nor deaf; though what they further observe is not much amiss, concerning this rebellious child, that the law respects a son and not a daughter, because a daughter generally is more tractable; and less capable of doing mischief than a son; and a son and not a man, for if at man's estate, and for himself, he is not under the power of his parents; and yet not a child or a little one, for that is not comprehended in the commands; he must be according to them thirteen years of age and one day, and he must be a son and not a father (b):

    he is a glutton and a drunkard;

    which, according to the Misnah (c), is one that eats half a pound of flesh, and drinks half a log of Italian wine; R. Jose says, a pound of flesh and a log of wine; but the decision was not according to him; the first rule stood: now half a pound of flesh, and half a log of wine, which was about three egg shells, or a quarter of a pint, would be at this day reckoned very little by our grandsons of Bacchus, as Schickard observes (d); but in an age of severer discipline, as he says, in the tender candidates of temperance, it was reckoned too much, and was a presage of a future glutton: and it must be further observed to denominate him a rebellious son, what he ate and drank was to be what he stole from his parents, and did not eat and drink it at home, but abroad, and in bad company; so Jarchi remarks on the text, he is not guilty until he steals, and eats half a pound of flesh, and drinks half a log of wine; in which he seems to have respect to the Jewish canon (e),"if he steals from his father and eats it in a place in his father's power, or from others and eats it in a place in their power, or from others and eats it in a place in his father's power; he is not reckoned a stubborn and rebellious son, unless he steals from his father, and eats it  

  9. God did during the establishment of Israel. As per God's orders they were to be "set apart" and Holy before the world. The severity of the law of Moses ensured this..Didn't you read it for yourself..No of course not otherwise you wouldn't have asked..

    No, we are not Jews.

  10. Um...Judaism was an oral tradition for about 5000 years before it was written down. NO ONE KNOWS WHO GAVE THE LAW. There were many people who wrote the Torah. You also have to realize that MAN wrote the old and new testaments, with their own biases and misinterpretations of divine law. That is why everyone should take their religious books with a grain of salt.


  11. Jesus loves you.

    You no longer need to keep the law of Moses....

    Jesus loves you.

  12. God absolutely gave this law and I for one have some level of appreciation for the law.

    Let me draw some examples of recent laws instituted in Ontario Canada where I live.

    1/ Drive your car 50 KM (31 miles) per hour over the speed limit and you get an outrageous fine, you get your license suspended for a long time and you lose your car - forever.

    2/ Drive a car with any alcohol in our system when you first get your license and you will lose your license.

    3/ If you have an impaired driving charge the total cost you will incur between fines, insurance costs and legal fees is around $20,000

    As a result of these laws, people are being much more careful to stay within the lines and in fact far fewer people are dieing.

    God did not set this law for people to break it. He set this law to make it very clear that he did not want such things happening and he set the bar so high that it was likely people would not cross this line.

    The reason for such a law - similar to our drunk driving and speeding laws in Ontario, were because innocent people were dieing as a result of stupidity.  God observed this sad sad situation and stepped in and introduced a law which was likely to be observed.

    I love God and I know he loves me.  It is easy to be critical, but if you were to take a leap of faith, give him a real chance, pray and spend some time getting to know his word, I think you would have an easier time understanding some of these difficult questions.

    I was not always a believer, but God opened my heart to him and has made my life incredible.

    God Bless you and thanks for a really good question.

  13. Deuteronomy (meaning the second law-giving) was written by Moses.  This law was to be used in the most extreme of extreme of the extreme cases in order to purge evil and sin from the mist of the children of Israel.  To keep them holy and focused on serving God.

    This law was not meant for little children.  It was meant for adult "children", who still lived at home as they almost all did then, who knew better and chose to ingore the laws and causing harm to themselves and others.

    By the way...

    Thanks for the thumbs down...I see someone doesn't know anything about research and is highly threatened by those who do...

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