
WHO IZ UR FAVORITE CAPTAINS and fav liuetenants from bleach?

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i prefer gin sosuke and kaname and kenpachi for my captains and for my liutenants renji izuru momo hisagi and yachiru THEY ALL ROCK ESPESCIALLY GIN SOSUKE AND KANAME




  1. For Captains I like, Soifon, Unohana, Shunsui, Toshiro, Jushiro, and Kenpachi and liuetenants, Renji, Izuru, Nemu, Nanao and Rangiku ^.^

  2. For captains i prefer Hitsugaya, Kenpachi, Gin, and Byakuya. For lieutenants i prefer Momo and Yachiru. I really think Yachiru rocks!! She's sooo small! And her sense of direction makes me laugh XD

  3. The whole of the 11th squad ROCKS!

    My favourite captain obviously Zaraki Kenpachi, I love this guy his whole attitude on life and everything, the way he motivates Ichigo when he's all down and out and lifts everyones spirits, his charector is also awesome he just doesnt give a toss about his life he just loves fighting!! More reasons on why he is awesome is that he is one of the most powerfull captains in the Gotei 13 and he doesn't even know the name of his Zampaktu! Thats not even knowing Shikai!

    Ok I dont really like any of the Luitenants but if I had to choose its got to be Nemu, she is the s*x! d**n! Well I got to give a proper reason and its, because she was made artificially she is expected to not really have any feelings, but you can see she has affection and feelings when she saves Ishida.

    And if I had to choose any one else its got to be Ikakku! d**n! d**n! d**n! This dude rocks!

    His whole dedication to one man and no one else in its self is somthing to be admired! His strength and whole philosophy of life is pure awesome! His Zampaktu is awesome!  *Mainly because it reflects his own charectore - lazy, and really powerful* Oh and he is REALLY FUNNY. xD

  4. My favorite captain would be Kenpachi

    And Renji, he's awesome!!

  5. my favorite lieutenant is HISAGI the guy with the 69 on his face he is so cool i hope in the future he b in the anime more when i think of it i like the lieutenants more than the captains

  6. Kuchiki Byakuya is my favorite captain.

    Renji is probably my favorite vice captain, but I haven't thought about vice captain much.

  7. Captain: Hitsugaya = He is a cool captain and a brilliant fighter.

    Liuetenant: Matsumoto = She has the best body out of all the women.

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