
WHO KNOWS bowling tips

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it is my twelve time bowling, i am good at every sport i try but i still need some tips on bowling cause i only get about 1 or two strikes every game so thanks for tips




  1. I guess you should aim first then lean in to your throw. Thats how I win the game. But my friends are really good too. Remember what I told you.

  2. ok, so when bowling, it comes down to two simple words:

    1.) aim before you throw and lean in to throw.

    2.) always aim for the middle.

    do that, and you'll get perfect strikes every time and higher scores .  ^*^

  3. Instead of throwing the ball and watching it rolling to the left/right side, make sure you focus and ]take deep breaths! Then, Throw the ball out of your hand really fast but! make sure your arm is aimed straight ]because sometimes people are so happy about it they go to fast and they throw the ball fast but with their arm pointed diagonally. Hoped I Helped! Peace!

  4. Work on developing a smooth stroke.  This is the cornerstone of bowling.  If you can throw the same type of ball every time, aiming it is just a matter of minor adjustments--mostly to your starting position and your target--because the goal is to keep the stroke the same.  

    If you aren't using an approach, watch somebody and do something similar that feels comfortable.  Most people use a three or four step approach (I use five), but it doesn't matter as long as it is smooth, has a good feel or rhythem to it, and you are walking in a straight line.  The how isn't that important--but trying to bowl with just a lunge and a swing leaves you off balance and it is tough to work like that.  

    The most important thing is to swing your arm straight back, and then bring it straight forward.  Your eyes should be focused on the mark you are aiming at.  You need to follow all the way through when you throw the ball--your hand should finish like you are shaking hands, not by your knee.  If you aren't doing that, exagerate, have your follow through end with you messing with your hair.  

    The next thing to fix is your wrist.  Many beginners try to bowl straight because they think it is easier, but I disagree.  Don't try to spin the ball, but don't make an effort to straighten it either--just let the ball fall off your fingers in a way that feels comfortable and work with it.  Rather than keeping your wrist flat, have your wrist angled so that your thumb is a little higher than your pinky when you release, so the ball may get a slight spin to it.  People who try too hard to throw a straight ball never know which finger they have in the ball last--so they could be lifting it with either their middle or ring finger, and to get a good ball, they need to release with both at the same time, which is tough to do.  

    That's what I have for a first lesson.  Once you have a decent stroke, you'll want to look up how to use the marks on the ground and how to position your feet for spares.  

  5. Try practicing Wii Bowling! My little brother plays that a lot. We went bowling once, and he did better than me! lol. It was embarrasing!
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