
WHO LIKES THE DOG PARK <span title="here????????????????????????????????????">here?????????????????????...</span>

by  |  earlier

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I DO!!!!!!!! My puppy does amazing there. And the people there are really good. Anyone who loves dogs is automatically good in my opinion. How many mean people do you know own dogs? ZERO!




  1. there is lots of mean people who have dogs and i feel sorry for the dogs that have to live with these animals that dont know how to treat a dog.  i do like the dog park.

  2. The nice thing about being free is we are allowed to voice our opinions no matter how sound or unsound they may be.Wow if you think only good people have dogs or go to dog parks I would like to visit your world some day.Dog abuse is a number one problem in all of the united states and worst in some areas than others and all the people who abuse there pets are liked by some one,and that does not make them good pet owners.Tilks Mom

  3. Are you mentally inept?

    Mean people DO own dogs, enter the people that abuse, neglect, and fight, and BREED their dogs.

    I like the dog park, but I wouldn&#039;t say I love it. Far too many people bring their dogs there and assume that they will get along. I&#039;ve met so many mean dogs at the dog parks that I almost don&#039;t go back every week.

  4. My father owns dogs, and he&#039;s one of the meanest, most immature people I have ever met.

    Most dog attacks (of ANY breed) happen because the poor pooch is owned by a mean, abusive, neglecting owner.

  5. I don&#039;t have a dog park nearby and i would not wnat to take my dogs there. Diseases, people, dogs might get in scruffs too risky with my beauties...

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