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  1. how can she be an EMO or a Goth? the only thing Emo about here was that she was emotionally unstable.

    She was 'singing' the odd burst of death metal and  considers herself as  part of the rock scene!.

    I think she was an embarrassment to herself. I thought she was nasty, obnoxious, confrontational and full of  puss. She came across as having alot of anger, hate and other issues that a few years of counselling might help with.

    I would love that the band member who she claimed to have taught  makes her retract the lie in public.

    Im into rock and metal music, and i certainly wouldnt go to an xfactor  audition  dressed in anything but  trendy clothes and hair do.. theyre not looking for an alternative rock/metal singer that shocks. If i was to sing  to the judges i would try and choose a song that the judges would know - so i wouldnt sing my own  song,  nor a metal song!.

  2. She was pretty mental

  3. shes a dog, rude, crude, soap dodging scruffy s**t!

    Christ knows were she learned to sing, wherever it is they give degrees out for the fun of it! Big bouncer should have punched her in the mush!

  4. sorry but i'd be sayin OMG too if i knew who he was!! I'm lookin forward to the granny pn next week 'we're havin a gang bang....' lol x

  5. really, where r u from, i meen was it here on tv yet.  

  6. what is going on inside her head? was scared for the judges just then. If she doesnt need Simon to tell her she can sing as she 'has a degree in it' then surely she should be famous now anyway?!

  7. Me. (:

    She made me lol.

    And plus, I think she could be a really good singer if she stuck to one style.

    And she can do screamo which is pretty difficult.

  8. haha she was pretty mental!

  9. She was nuts. What a buzz. Cheryl Cole would have battered her.

  10. Be very afraid....woah wah wah wah!!!!!!!

  11. Ha ha - she was a complete nutter!! The best on the show tonight! Might have to the watch the behind the scenes show next!!

  12. I really didn't like her. But her singing wasn't that bad tbh.

  13. hahahahaha very funny!!

  14. I think she was really amusing.  However did you notice when she was talking to Dermot, she was perfectly okay ie not aggressive at all!  So, it makes me wonder was she acting up for the cameras or was it just nerves?!

  15. i hated her shes arrogant and annoying!!

    and she cant sing  so god knows how mat tuck made it if she was his coach.

  16. Her singing was godawful, but she hit the nail on the head when she called the judges stupid.

    Oh, and she's not emo, more like goth, & she was obv. lying about teaching that guy.

  17. I don't know who's worse the judges for letting these poor people make fools of themselves infront of millions or the people who watch these degrading, vile excuses for tv programmes - it pretty obvious half the time that these people should NOT be on te programme - shame on the judges for allowing it to happen!!!!

    And know I haven't seen the person you are talking about - but i don't think it necessary to call anyone a mental emo!!!!!

  18. If I was Cheryl I'd have punched her in the t*ts.

  19. She was TERRIBLE!

  20. i have no clue what ur talking about

  21. i really really f*cking hated her.

    she was a pretentious, patroising idiot.

    Her head was so far up her own ugly **** her voice sounded stupid. She didnt teach Mat Tuck she made it up.

    A really dislikeable, mentally unstable person

  22. ok take a deep breath and say it again?

  23. Wtf?

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