
WHO SHOULD WIN, the old solider or the young wise man?

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McCain=OLD Obama=young




  1. Young wise man

    the old soldiers should learn to retire

  2. Prove to me that Obama is wise.  He has done nothing in his life to prove this.

  3. young wise man? whos that? a racist bigot named Osama..oops i mean Obama

  4. Obama WILL win, as he SHOULD

  5. Wisdom only comes with age.

  6. Define "wise".

  7. I'll take the judgement of the one who pushed for, and supported the very successful Surge over the neophyte who claimed it wouldn't work.

  8. Some examples of Obama's wisdom would help since all I can think of is Rev Jeremiah Wright for 20 years (Oprah had the common sense to leave way before that), serving on a board with an admitted terrorist and serving as chaiman of the board of  the same person's newly formed foundation; and saying the Surge didn't work when it obviously did.  Please, where has the wisdom been displayed.  

  9. The OLD, Wise, soldier!

  10. pardon me but I've never heard of a young wise man running...I just heard there was a young man

    anyone who is strongly for killing members of future generations is not wise

  11. I don't know about wise...calling children of single parents punishment isn't wise.  Heck, my biological mother was more wise about her pregnancy than Obama is about any pregnancy.  

  12. I'm sorry, was there a young wise man running?

  13. Young and wise are never used together for a good reason.

    If Obama was so wise why did he actively take help and advice from people who would tear down his legitimacy?

    Why did it take so long for him to distance himself from those same people?

    And why does he have a difficult time keeping one story straight for more than one day at a time?

    That's now wisdom? No that's arrogance and ego.

    So who is the young wise man you speak of?

    I see an experienced veteran and an inexperienced ego maniac.

    So if those are my choices... I will vote "Experienced" any day of the week.

  14. The young socialist crook or the old crook that is playing the pathetic war hero card?

    Can I haz a real choice plz.

  15. I would need more to go on than just a "old soldier" and a "young wise man"

    I'm not mapping out a parade route, I am choosing a leader of the greatest nation on earth....

    either way my vote is already going to Obama, unless something unforeseen happens/comes out between now and November.

  16. The young wise man, the old solider has anger problems and won't be around long enough to see the effects of his work.

  17. The young "wise" man.....that is up for debate.I haven't seen any thing out of him yet that has taken wisdom.Lots of bad judgment,though.


  18. WHy do people deny that Obama has brains?  Hello!!! I'm so tired of religious brainless republicans.

  19. I suppose you mean Soldier. Since there is not a wise young man running, i'll vote McCain

  20. The wise old solider.

  21. would a wise man claim the problem with DC is washington insiders then turn around and name a washington insider as his running mate?

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