
WHO believes in yeti ? I am in training to go prove to the world that it doesnt exist?

by  |  earlier

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That's me with the new fancy shoes. I like my new shoes a lot. Check them out and tell me what you think




  1. ^ Indeed. I bet it would be much easier to find yeti than to disprove their existence. After all, a journey is much more purposeful when you're looking for something (plus if you did find one, the first pictures always rake in the big bucks!).

  2. Hey Zachary, Please go post your question/announcement on the James Randi website.  Hehe....

  3. You cannot prove a negative -that's what makes debunking Yeti and Bigfoot so durn hard.

    What kind of training is this, anyway?

  4. OMG !

    how do you............ , nevermind.

  5. Hey Zachery, Those are some great shoes. You look just as I imagined you. I thought you were a little taller though.

    The Yeti can go invisable so you can't prove if he is there or not.

  6. o.0

  7. That is an unkind question.Even for a Harry Potter nerd it's in bad taste.It's definitely one of the meanest things I've seen on this forum.

  8. Please take some of the true believers with you.  Good luck

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