
WHO in the AFL section annoys you the most???

by Guest59797  |  earlier

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Come honest,and also the reason why.

I think we should just let it all out.




  1. Nobody annoys me now!

    I wish Imawunda would unblock me so I could answer his questions, I don't have anyone blocked.

    I am so happy right now I don't care what anyone says to me!

    Life's too short guys, lets get back to the AFL!!

    Anybody watching the 20/20 tonight?

    Yeah I know it's not footy, but cricket is the next best thing :)))

    Peace everybody! A special friend of mine has taught me that ♥♥♥

  2. The proud tiger

  3. I suppose everybody is annoyed with me, being a Yank that is obsessed with footy.

    If I have an opinion, I will give it.

    Just wish it didn't cost so much to fly to Melbourne from Kansas.

    Go Cats.

  4. no one annoys me here,, cos im not on this section as much as yous, but if i did cutemum 2  or Rogue would annoy me, they are such biatchhes, lol, JUST KIDDING, I LOVE YOUS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  5. I dont think I need to name them, they know who they are coz they annoy EVERYONE!

    Wish they would just stop being so hateful, spiteful - so un-Australian.

    Bring back AFL forum and get right of the nastyness!

  6. 3 Hearts, yes I'll be watching the 20/20 in40min time, should be entertaining.

    Before anyone Say's to me this is footy section, well I say I'll answer if the question was based on footy and not personalities.

  7. I have worked at 4 AFL clubs found them all to be basically the same , except different colours and different "people" doing the same jobs at each club, and all with passionate supporters.     What I fail to understand is why we have people hit on Collingwood supporters, in here then bag em when they defend themselves, and their club .    If people don't like Eddie or Joffa , woopee!!... why the h**l do they have push their opinions and ideals on others .     The simple fact is, they are jealous , and generally anyone like that,  almost always become a bully to intimidate because they are failing to reach the standards of the people  they are jealous of .     Cutemum and Rogue are great contributors, and good fun, as is Ray A , Big Kev , Richo Fev , the Chair , gfc barracker , lover from Oz, Jemima,  all "passionate" footy supporters, and thats the way it should be.

  8. Well, I don't generally name names - I just make comments that are about as subtle as a kick in the goolies.

    I know why this Q was posted & who it is aimed at.

    In answer to your Q, I am really having serious doubts about two users on here. One is continually in a rage & with her mum they attend this forum in tandem. They post similar posts on each others questions; exchange best answers with each other on a regular basis; have the very same dislikes; the very same likes; etc etc...

    Seems to me they are the one & same person.

    That's what, & that's who, annos me.....not strongly, mind you, but you did ask the question & asked for honest answers.

  9. Big Smurf loving to all XOXOXOXOXO

    The most annoying, would have to be the thumbs down gang!

    Not having the balls to say what they feel, probably cos they have not got a brain in their head.

  10. The queen of nastiness, she annoys me the most with her sly attacks, yes you rogue, you think you know footy but you haven't got a clue, you put this answer on in 2 minutes ago were having another snipe at me, its only for one reason, coz i hate your c**p team.

    have a cry chair, its ok for you to put c**p on, another girl, blocked me, and deeds, you forgot about me and imu, without us this would be the brady bunch, as far as that coward you reckon is sticking up for themselves, i said nothing to them, so get your facts right ol boy.

    chair wizard- your questions are all c**p, meaningless, you're another crawler.

    maybe i get thumbs up cause i am honest,unlike the suck up gang.

  11. Freo, west coast,

    and how evvvryyyyyyyy body at school barraks from the tigers!! and how no one barraks from north melbourne sept mee :(

  12. nobody annoys me

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