
WHO will you be voting for this year? Who do you think will win? Why?

by Guest10877  |  earlier

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just tell me all thats on your mind about the upcoming 2008 elections. i wanna know your opinions on the candidates.




  1. I will be voting for Obama. One of the main reasons: I don't think the US economy can handle 4 years of McCains positions. Unless you are wealthy you stand a very big chance of becoming homeless.

    It is impossible to overlook the number of families that have lost their homes, jobs, health care...and not know a BIG change is needed.

    There are things that I agree with McCain on, like abortion, but overall I have to agree with Obama that he is very out of touch with the everyday person.

  2. Why?

    Because Palin's daughter is pregnant and it is the scandal of the day?

    Are republican voters that superficial?  I dont think so.

    McCain can reach over party lines and ask Hillary. Nah he wont do that either.

    I prefer Hillary over obama but will settle for McCain if she will not be president.

    The McCain ticket is fine unless the republicans want to "tweak" the winning potential by putting in the other Joe for reasons they may conjure.

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