
WHOA! What the h**l just happen!? WTF! Help!

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Ok so I had a glass of water a while ago, probably 2 hours ago. I am on my laptop now.

Currently the glass of water is on my desk right next to my laptop and I am sitting at my desk listening to the radio on yahoo answers.

So I was just reading over this question about God and Christianity and then I went to another question and I glass I drank from moved!

There is no water in the cup but there is a little ring of water under the cup. I sware it moved, I know it! Before I was reading another question and I thought I saw something on my desk, like a floating black circle or in the shape of a person. Whatever it was it was very small and then when I blinked it was gone!

I'm not crazy! I know it is obviously God trying to say something to me or he is bored so he is playing tricks with my mind.

What happen! Why is he doing this? I find it funny but I'm a little weirded out. I know it isn't a ghost. What is this all about!?

Are more of these going to happen? Is someone that has passed away trying to talk to me? I want to continue with this. How do I tell whomever is trying to get my attention I want to talk? This obviously happen for a reason!

Also if it makes any difference, when it is night time and I walk into a room, I can picture a man in the room. He isnt doing anything, just standing there, then he fades away. He is tall sort of, probably around 6 foot but he looks black. When I say black, I don't mean race, I mean the room is dark, like a grey black, and he is a darker shade of black in the shape of a person. Then he fades away quickly.




  1. i agree with sacramento's answer and also it maybe your imagination because u have been reading about Christianity and God..and maybe the effect of it is still on u.

  2. You must have been to a psychiatrist . stop taking those drugs.

  3. I have to totally agree with sacremento's answer. The sliding of the glass happens to me sometimes, the "worse" time, it moved like three inches, even past the ring it previously made. Kind of freaky, and it doesn't happen all the time. Maybe once a year, even less (that's counting all my other friends too). So don't get your hopes up on that.

    However, the black figure is pretty interesting. You should do some research on different types of ghosts and see if it fits. Also, considering it appears every night you may want to reach out to it if you aren't afraid. I have always been interested in making contact, but I would freak out, so good luck with the staying calm part. If you do manage, before you turn the corner to face the door, or walk in the room, whatever, just calm yourself and talk. I believe ghosts and what-not are there, everywhere, all the time, and they know it. I believe they can hear us and they feel our presence like predators do (smell our scent, our hormones, etc.). Reach out to it. Perhaps, if you walk in and it doesn't disappear immediately you should stop and just keep talking to it, even if it does disappear. I believe that to be visible (dark or light) takes energy and so they can still be there even if you can't see them (obviously, considering I think they are there all the time).

    So, good luck, I would love to talk more, or hear more about it. If you are interested, just e-mail me at

  4. it was the ring of water beneath your glass that made it move. I've had that happen before.  

  5. time for your meds....

  6. perhaps you are a medium... something in which paranormal activities are abundant around -- next time try to take a deep breath, don't freak out, and try and connect with the being/entity...

    Good luck!!! Sounds awesome!!


  7. Hey dude. I know what you're talking about. You may be hesitant to listen to this, but most likely, it is true. You probably need some sleep. Not sleeping causes a temporary chemical imbalance, which causes these illusions ("fading away", etc.). The best way to fix this is to SLEEP. If that doesnt work, see your doctor, or if you have one, a psychiatrist.

  8. Jesus is obviously getting thirsty while he eavesdrops on your E-mails.

    Turn the A/C up and see if that helps any.

  9. well the part about the glass moving i can answer, it's happened to me lots of times. u mentioned a ring of water being on the bottom, well that makes it a little slippery which can cause it to move. It used to freak me out a lot too until i realized the water under it (it was on a flat surface *the kitchen counter*). ur desk could also be a little tilted (not so much that u can see with the naked eye) and that could of also triggered the movement along with the water.

    as for the other things that u saw, it could very well be a ghost/spirit, i'm not discrediting that.♡

    ♡ grrr...that's not what u said about the ring,,,u should of made it clear that it was DRIED ♡  =)

  10. get some

  11. how do you know it isn't a ghost

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