

by  |  earlier

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I have an albino friend and she everyday paints her eyebrows and lashes and uses blush in the face...and she has a very stylish haircut in white color...she is actually very very very good looking. BUT...she is the only one I have seen doing that!

So my question is? why albino woman do not wear makeup or try to paint their lashes or eyebrows?

I asked these long time ago and someone answered me "because we don't want to change who we are"

But I want to know, what is the problem? why albino woman won't do it, while any other woman in the world uses makeup to look more tanned or have black lashes.

my friend does it and she just look really gorgeous...also without...BUT WE ALL DO IT....why they wont?!??!?!




  1. Because i think albino's are rare...ive never seen one in person in my entire life...but your right..i dont get why they dont bleach their hair ..and eyebrows and lashes and stuff.......i guess they dont want to be really fake????? even tho everyone does it...If i had white eyebrows and white eyelashes i dont know if id want to have to wake everyday and paint probably look for a more permanent way .

    to the other people who answered why are you being so rude....LOL shes just asking a question...i can assume none of you are albino how can you pretend like you know what its like?????? if you had white hair at a young sure you would feel uncomfortable....and who cares if you dont wear make up.....woman act special just because they dont wear makeup..they think they are a natural beauty or something...well i got news for you...just because you dont wear make up dont mean your attractive...LOL you probably need some....and ive never colored my hair in my life either..and i dont think im more special then if i had colored it my whole life.

  2. Why are you calling it eyelash mascara?

    It's not like you can get lip mascara or nose mascara?

    *reads your reply*

    I don't understand why you're calling it EYELASH mascara, since you can only get mascara for your eyelashes. It isn't like you need to tell us what sort of mascara you mean :/

  3. No, we don't all do it. I've worn make-up maybe 20 times in my whole life, and I'm a grandma. I think it looks awful on me, and honestly I think it looks awful on you, too, but it is up to you. I don't understand how you think you can improve on what you were issued - you can't. You are beautiful just as you are. For the record, I don't (and never have) color my hair, either.

    That stuff is for Halloween.

    Good luck!

  4. Because they dont want to.

    I dont understand what the problem is here.

    If they dont want to do it, they dont have to. If you want to go through all the trouble of getting up everyday and putting all that c**p on your face to reassure yourself that you are pretty, then go for it. But maybe, just maybe, they like the way they look without it.

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