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I hate my Dad ( He went crazy one night i called the police after he smashed my door down and threatened my mom, turns out he had a history.. ) I Hate my Mom (She permanently lies to me about everything - she smokes, she cheated on my dad) I Hate my Nan ( She wants everything to be perfect and clean and gets annoyed when my room isn't in perfect condition) I Hate my Brother ( He hits me hard jumps on me, annoys me all the time and gets me in trouble for it) And that's all of my CLOSE Family. Why Am I So Screwed Up?




  1. everyone has family problems.  some bigger than other,  and I think everyone feels "screwed up" at least once in a while. Maybe you should try to think about some of the things you like about your family,  even if they are just little things.  It wont do you much good to be filled up with so much hate.

  2. You are screwed up because you are focusing on negatives instead of positives. Weaknesses instead of strength.

    It would be helpful if some of this focus could directed towards developing your own self-sufficiency. This way you will have a happier life when you mature & will not make the mistakes you can see others making around you just now.

    With best wishes for now and your future. UK

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