

by Guest65351  |  earlier

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I am so mad right now, I NEED to cash a check today but all the banks are closed today, EVERY SINGLE F*ing one, I am pi$$ed of so badly. why do every single bank I know of is closed on saturday and where can I cash my check, I only have one account at a credit union and its closed, so where can I cash a check with out paying a huge fee?




  1. I'm not sure where you live, but in New Jersey most banks are even open on Sundays. My bank, Commerce, is open until 8 pm today and 4 pm tomorrow.

  2. i don't know what banks you have in your area, but there are a couple banks where i live that are open on saturdays til about noon or mid afternoon.

  3. Most banks offer Saturday hours, usually from about 8am to noon.

    I guess you should have gotten up a little earlier or thought about cashing your check on Friday.

    As for you being mad, get over it.  I deserve to have time at home with my family instead of having to be at work 24/7 to deal with rude customers like you!

  4. Credit Unions and Banks are 2 totally different financial institutions. Most banks have a branch open on Saturday. If you need money from your account and have a debit card, you can access your funds from any ATM.

  5. They're open where i live..

  6. What are you talking about?

    What bank are you talking about?

    All the banks that I know are ONLY closed on SUNDAYS not SATURDAYS!!!!


    they are all closed on saturday after noon

    so thay can have some time off

  8. Some grocery stores like Giant Eagle let you do this, but you have to sign up for a discount card with check-cashing privileges.

    P.S. People, he's talking about a credit union, not a bank. They usually aren't as large as banks and don't keep weekend hours.

  9. I would consider getting a checking account with a bank in a grocery store or walmart or something as most of these banks have saturday and oftentimes sunday hours. You may not have any of these options where you are located but its a thought.

    Also I can deposit checks into my bank account via ATM then i withdraw the money....does you ATM have this option?

    The only other placees i can think of are huge fee places....maybe try a carryout that cashes checks...their fees are lower than the check-into-cash.

  10. Because they can and they lose money paying over time!

  11. WalMart should cash it for $3.00.  They do in Florida.  Working hours have always been referred to as "banker's hours".  Comes from the older days when most everything was Monday through Friday and a simpler life. Many banks are open til noon on Saturday.  Also grocery stores will sometimes cash  a paycheck for you.

  12. Lol

    they only work till 1 pm on sat

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