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isnt it annoying when a guy stares at u constantly making u think he likes u...just for the fact that his stares are not just a second long but nearly a minute if ure not looking at him??? and the sad part is that this is wat i had to go through and later i actually started liking him...and than i found out that he had a GF! ugh...i hate boys who make u wonder why they stare at u constantly and than wants u to kno they have a gf.

I HATE HIIIMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!! >:[

and he was my biggest crush :(

like seriously wat is it that boys want??? stare bak at them?? makin us look desperate?




  1. I know what you mean. I like this guy and then I found out he's got a gf out of school and they've been dating for nearly a year! Yet he stares at me all the time! I dont know what he wants, I think the best thing to do is to find someone else or try and make him jealous (I know people probably dont think that is a good idea)  

  2. i don't know why we actually do it sometimes we think girls are just hot other than that there's know reason

  3. boys do that if they are studying you. if they do it more then once, they think you are cuter then their gf and might want to date you. if they dont ask you out then thats probably because their GF will freak if he breaks up with her for you.

    it happened to a friend of mine like 2 months ago! xDD

  4. boys are just like that.  i tend not to pay too much attention when guys stare, unless i already like them.

  5. Well....if he's staring at you I don't think it matters too much to him if he has a girlfriend ;)

  6. honestly hon, who knows? My advice is to not look back. I know you liked him and all, but if he's looking at you like that with a girlfriend, would you want to  be his girlfriend? He's not worth it. Maybe he was daydreaming.... or just trying to make his girlfriend jealous... maybe they had fought the period before or something. But if you find out the answer... LET ME KNOW!

  7. That's why I dont date.

    Well, I try not too....

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