

by  |  earlier

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I am sick and tired of it! Yes I ike pink I love the jonas brothers I have the vera bradley bags and i have a pink laptop ( the sony vaio), pink camera, and a pink leather case over my ipod touch. Oh and If i could find something pink for my sidekick lx i would have it on there.! But thats me thats who i am its what i like! I am not going to change because of the title i carry around with me! But what are good ways to ignore it? I hate it. !!!




  1. your a chick right other wise your a ***  

  2. theres really nothing wrong with being a prep. if i was you i would just be like "well i already know that silly!" just think its better then being called a gangster or a hood rat or something else!

  3. are you a rich snob? thats what a prep is  

  4. I don't think you're actually "preppy".. I mean unless you're someone who looks down on everyone else because you have nice things, daddy buys everything for you and you have a little dog named some some sort of fruit name.

    And if you're that worried about it to the point where you'd say "I'm tired of this!", then you're letting it get to you too badly. I was considered "goth" all through middle school and everybody was always making fun of me, messing with me, etc.. yeah. I mean, don't let it get to you ESPECIALLY if you're young, because chances are you'll grow out of anything you're not comfortable with, and if you are comfortable with it, that's all there is to it. You are who you are.

  5. I'm a prep and hey, be proud! There is absolutely nothing wrong with it and if you let people get to you, then there is a problem. Be who you are! Don't let a label be it for you

  6. People like labels. Everyone apparently needs a label. I for one don't like labels so I just do a bunch of things and hang out with a bunch of people so no one can label me. Just when they're about to give me one, I turn around and do or say something that goes completely against it. it's actually kind of fun and makes my friends laugh. As for your problem, the best solution is to ignore it. Try to avoid some habits (it will give people less opportunity to call you a "prep") like talking about the jonas brothers all the time/how much you love them/referring to yourself as Mrs. [insert jonas name here] jonas, using your laptop/camera/ipod/sidekick all the time especially in front of people or at least when you do use them don't talk about it or say anything cause people will interpret it as "bragging". Now I'm not saying that you do these things but if you do then try to kick those habits. As long as your comfortable with who you are then you're fine. Know that you're not a prep, but your you and nothing else and no matter what people say about you, that won't change. hope this helps.  

  7. Uh does it matter that you're a prep? I go to a "preparatory academy-" pretty sure I qualify. Let's start a club - Long Live the Preps. Or maybe Preps, Anonymous.

  8. Dude your name says it all.

  9. Maybe ppl say dat cuz it sounds like  u got money !! U sound spoild lol jus ignore it ! Ps. I have da sidekick slide and I love it lol sidekicks rock!!! :)

  10. Because you are. Surprise surprise. Proof:

    "Yes I ike pink I love the jonas brothers I have the vera bradley bags and i have a pink laptop ( the sony vaio), pink camera, and a pink leather case over my ipod touch. Oh and If i could find something pink for my sidekick lx i would have it on there.!"

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