

by Guest56432  |  earlier

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Could someone please tell me why there are so many f*****g g*y guys who work as air stewards/flight attendants. I'm not some huge g*y hater but there are so many feminine obviously g*y guys doing that line of work. Is it the same all over the world, cause I've seen it mainly on companies from english speaking countries. Thanks.





    Where do you live anyway??  Under a rock??

    Take a deeeeeep breath, learn to live in the 21st Century, and get a life.  Just WHY is any of this a concern to you??

    Your energy could be directed at something so much more intelligent and the poor, habitat for humanity, darfur, global warming, meals on wheels or by simply broadening your horizons and opening your mind to the world around you.

  2. Because g*y men are more likely to think "outside the box" and pursue traditionally female lines of work.

    Also, Flight Attendants ("Stewards" work on ships) tend to be more open-minding and accepting of alternative lifestyles so they are made to feel more comfortable in our occupation.

    Careful of generalizing. We had plenty of straight guys too. Free travel, working with good looking women ;) with very little "competition" (since women outnumbered them and the other men were often g*y). We had a lot of straight Flight Attendant couples (more common than F/A's with pilots actually). These straight guys were pretty darned smart to take this job!

    I'm not really thrilled with the anti-g*y tone of your question. As a Flight Attendant from San Francisco, it's obvious that I've always had g*y friends. If you're comfortable with your sexuality, you shouldn't have a problem with homosexual men (and in San Francisco, you'll label yourself a "closet case" if you talk like that).

    And as a female Flight Attendant, at least I didn't have to worry about their hands going where they didn't belong!  

  3. generalize much?

  4. prob JUST to p**s off pigs like you

  5. Statistically, male homosexuals tend to be overrepresented among male employees in many "service" occupations, such as flight attendants, restaurant servers, the stereotypical hairdresser, nurses, etc.  The reasons for this have not been determined, but the tendency is definitely there.

    Not all male flight attendants are homosexual, but quite a few are.  Anglophone countries have fairly open hiring policies, so nothing prevents homosexuals from working as flight attendants in these places.  Other countries may have highly specific and discriminatory hiring policies that effectively exclude males and/or homosexuals from employment with airlines.

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