
WHY Are People Scared if DEATH...POLL: Debate?

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Is it because, you will miss loved ones? Maybe it is a painful experience? Or simply because you love being who you are & the world we all live in. If I said I don't, many people agree, others say it's your choice, and others don't care what happens.

But interesting to know that your Brain, makes all these feelings true, Why do we love someone? Some think we are made to? Others say its how progression works, maybe because the brain intakes information on what you find attractive scent, beauty, personality.

QUESTION - Do you remember exactly in great detail of your thoughts when you was born. No you can't. Why? Because you haven't learnt nothing to remember. learning is progression, you might not think so, but it's true, that’s why you remember when you start to learn.

POINT - When you die, your brain is dead, You are not alive, so how can you imagine/see/believe in anything after that? your no longer you, that part is dead. But to think that is to start at the beginning you not alive at the beginning [say your Mum & Dad weren’t born], your in the same state as you were when you was dead.




  1. Million dollar question right here.

    I, personally, am not afraid of death itself; if anything I'm scared of when I m going to die...for example if you think your soon it will take a toll on your head.

    Also, I'm scared about leaving loved ones when I die, but that's common with everyone (I think).  

  2. yes the physical body dies at death, but not the spiritual, ur body is like ur house and when u are gone, u no longer live in it but doesnt mean u dont exist somewhere else.

  3. I'm not afraid of death. Our souls live on after our physical bodies die.  

  4. I'm not afraid of dying..

    ..I just dont want to!

  5. I like chocolate.

  6. if pie is on the other side , I say I am on my way

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