
WHY DO PPL SAY linux is so good?

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Yeh its free I've used it for a few months the only thing i found superior is the command line




  1. I've personally been using Linux for many years and I've never been sorry. Granted it's more an operating system for the enthusiast than for the average user, but once you get the hang of it there's not much you cannot do in it.

    Yeah. We're all used to Windows and maybe a little bit spoilt by it, but Linux offers the enthusiast a free and exciting alternative.

    I'm a full-time Graphic Designer and have to use Windows on one of my PC's just to comply with some of the industry requirements, but the bulk of my work is done on Linux and opensource software. Not because I'm stingy and prefer the free stuff, but because I choose to.

    If you are really interested in getting Linux and Opensource to work for you, join a couple of the many Forums on the net. Depending on your distro you may want to try or just search for "Linux Forums".

    That's another thing that impressed me about Opensource and the likes, and that is the nice and supporting communities that are out there.

    Maybe I'm a bit biased because I really like Linux, but then I've been using Windows as well for many years. Right from where the first Windows appeared on the scene.

    To answer your question: Spend some time with Linux and get to know her... You will soon realize why people rave about it.

  2. well its less vulnerable to virsus and hacks it somewhat more difficult, of course the effects and it really depends on the user....also it depends on wut version u get, xubuntu,ubuntu, or fedora  

  3. Its easy to understand, but not all programs works on that.

  4. In particular I found that you can use linux for most common applications like browsing, document editing and a nice media player in every distro, without needing to install an extra application.

    I use puppy linux installed in my pen drive, just 87MB in size and it has sea monkey internet suite(browser similar to firefox, email client and web tools), abi word processor (light weight, with most commonly used tools), presenter. Can run with a computer designed for windows 98) Enough for the most common user isn't it?

    And what more? it is free! Where as in windows the above said requirements will cost about $700.

  5. No viruses, more control (if you know how), it doesn't put money in Bill Gates' pocket.

    There are lots of different reasons.

  6. I have always said that only the for the lack of a better word "nerds" like it. because nerds took Microsoft xp and basically took it to its highest extent and created Linux. My problem with it is that you need to know like JavaScript c+ c++ and those things to get the most out of it. I just guess i am not smart enough and mainly to cool to use it. From were i come from you get picked on for using Linux.

    o, and let me add that it is proven that it is safer. Its harder to hack.

  7. it differes for each person, I for one like the open source available to the public.not only that but 95% of whats on linux is free to begin with, its not really different from a Mac, they're both based upon Unix.and the major plus with linux is free updates and freeware all the time,  you really dont have that with windows. not only that but since Linux is rarely used it not as susceptible to viruses/spyware and malware like windows is.

    For me linux has SSH and thats all I use, SSH runs the world thats why you hardly see microcrud on servers.

  8. The reasons of why people say Linux is so good is just too long to list here, suffice to say this link tells all

    However, relatively few people care to mention that the gaming support is poor.

    Gaming apart Linux is a wonderful operating platform.


  9. It's all about the "Freedom", Grasshopper.

    Is the songbirds' melody as sweet when caged?

    Is the tigers' roar as ferocious when chained?

    Freedom is always better.

  10. Freedom... (Free as in free speach, not free beer.) Freedom of choice, freedom from being locked into 1 manufacturer's standards.  The data is stored in "open" standards ways, so that no matter what operating system you choose to go to, you can always access your old data.  No proprietary "microsoft office"  "Word perfect" "mac" etc storate models that keep you locked into the manufacturer's hardware or software.

    Huge number of open-source software available to do almost anything you can imagine, and if you are so inclined, you can modify any pice of software do do exactly what you WANT it to do.  No need to "start from scratch" pick something that you like that is almost what you want, and modify it.  The source code is avilable.

    For some it's the "eye candy" aspect.  Do you run the Compiz/Fusion desktop?  (Linux's 3D desktop that absolutely blows windows "aero" out of the water... It makes Vista look like a 10 year old operating system.)  Check out  there are dozens of other demos on youtube.

    Security.  Almost no viruses/trojans/spyware exist for linux.  You are "as safe as you are going to get" with linux... nothing is 100%, but with Linux you are as close as you can be, at least for now.

    Performance.  Linux will perform faster than windows on the same hardware.  Linux will run acceptably on hardware that windows wouldn't even consider booting on, let alone have enough speed to be usable.  As you throw faster and faster hardware at Linux, it simply "scales" up to become faster and faster.

    The "Free" as in "free beer" is a factor for some who do not want to spend $200-$300 on an operating system that will make you purchase additional software to do what you want it to do.  The cost of linux is $0 and the cost of almost any program you would want to run is also $0

  11. !!! i had linux for a few months oh my god it was horrible!! i didnt understand anything on that thing lol ive been growing up with windows lol, too bad were gonna have to switch to vista sooner or later

  12. I find it better because on an older machine that doesn't have good enough hardware to run the latest and greatest windows, Linux is faster and manages the memory better.

    I also find it beneficial for experimenting with open source software as Open Source software sometimes isn't available for Windows and if I want to try it then I can with Linux.  

  13. I'm not an engineer but I come from a family of engineers, and it has a nice comfy feel for me for that reason.  Are you able to run your computer for or week or two without rebooting?  I have, and generally get no performance degradation over that time, something I never experienced with Windoze.

    There are a host of reasons beyond that which you may not be conscious of because they relate so much to networking.  So I'll just leave it as Linux is for people who take responsibility for what is on their hard drives.  Microsoft makes products which are proven to have misled consumers about what is on their hard drives.

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