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Im white.

I never did anything to anyone, never treated anyone of a different race bad or even described them as "brown man" or "black man".

Im not evil. Why do people say white man as a whole race?

I thought in America we are all the same.

I cant Help what my fore-fathers did in the past, I DIDNT DO ANYTHING.

Yet I see blogs on here people dicrimnating on THE WHITE MAN.




  1. Well some people do feel that in America, everyone is equal but that's not entirely true. It would be nice of we did have true equality no matter what your skin color is, but not everyone believes that. Even justice is not color blind (is Sean Bell trial)

    I'm glad you don't have such negative thinking. You are one of the very few. Too bad not everyone thinks as you do.

  2. I totally agree. My ancestors emigrated from Ireland and were too young to fight in the Civil War. They never owned slaves or indentured servants. Plus, some minorities don't even have ancestors who were slaves but they still hate the "white man".

  3. because people always look for a scapegoat and they feel the need to hold people accountable in todays society for what was done years and years ago. excuses are a dime a dozen, and sad to say whites are discriminated against too..maybe the world will grow up...

  4. Yeah, I'm white too. Well, I'm pale enough to be see-through, but you know what I mean.

    I'm just a kid who never did any serious harm to anyone; especially not because of their race. But the matter of fact is, that Caucasians will always be thought of as racists by some people.

    The people who discriminate against Caucasians (yeah, that happens, no lie!) usually don't --know-- many Caucasians. They know about a handful of rude people, and just because some of those are Caucasians, sometimes they assume that all of us are like that.

    My best, best, best friend was new to school this year. I was one of the first people to make friends with her. Then, a few months later, her and I were super tight and she says "You know, at first, I thought you were going to hate me because I have dark skin and because you're white,"

    Needless to say, I didn't like her so much afterward. Anyways, there's not much we can do about people discriminating against ANY race. We can't force people to be tolerant. You've just got to do the best you can to prove that you're not the stereotyped "white man".

    Good luck, and don't fret so much about this kind of stuff.

  5. It's a battle nobody is meant to win. After all, if we stick to what happened in the past, we never move forward. Your best bet is to just ignore it. There are plenty of black people who do not feel this way and see it as counterproductive in society as well. I have decided not to let it bother me so much, it's a mindset among people that has to be changed through their own discovery. Words and common sense don't seem to prevail here.

  6. Am black and my partner is white, i dont see white people as the enemy.....i see nasty people who upset me as the enemy regardless of race,colour,creed....

    Not every1 thinks tha same i assure youuuu....

  7. dunno, but white people are pretty d**n openly racist

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