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This trait just infuriates me!




  1. I talk fast, actually. I tend to think faster than my mouth moves, so my mouth has to keep up with my brain and move faster (a lot of times this doesn't happen and I lose my spot in a conversation and have to start over). It's worse when I'm tired, because then I have a habit of not finishing my words or sentences and slurring words together.  

  2. cas u have like a nervious thing that just triggers u to speak really fast because someone in lookin at u and u just want that moment to over as fast as possible so u talk fast to get it over with. it happes to me all the time! (sorri everyone) lol

  3. The thing is, it's not their fault. Ever since I learned to speak, I've talked fast. I was just used to it. My brothers talked fast too, and I understood them just fine. I didn't get that I talked faster then other people.

    Now, I try to speak slowly and enunciate my words. But sometimes I forget, and slip back into my rapid speech. Please don't be mad at them, they don't mean to annoy you. Just gently ask them to speak slower.  

  4. I speak like that.  I guess I don't really think about it.  Though I'm also around other people who talk fast.  And when I talk fast around someone who can't follow me, they usually ask me to repeat myself slower.  That used to embarrass me.  Now I don't mind it so much because it's just not something I think about.  

    Just remember, for every trait that infuriates you, there's always a trait you have that infuriates them.  If you like the persons company, either you will learn to pick out the words, or they will learn to speak slower for you.  Or some combo of the two.  

    There are always going to be things about people that is going to bother you in some way, you're just going to have to learn to cope.  Don't worry, this happens to everyone.

  5. Wow..

    I can relate to alot of these posts.

    I grew up in a really loud family myself who gets all excited all the time.  We have to scream over each other and try to get our words in real fast.

    My best friend is from New York and he says it's the New York in him when he talks fast haha.

    I'm actually working on it because it's honestly a bad habit for someone who's 23 and wants a professional job.. sigh.. habits are hard to break though.

  6. my 17 year old son does this, drives me nuts, i constantly have to tell him to slow down.  In his case it's because his brain is just working faster than he can get the words out, but some people it could just be caffeine or drugs.

  7. haha, seriously. especially if you know another language besides your mother language it's pretty hard to understand wth they're trying to say

  8. kjfnsehf 3wmkfnsje ikjfojsjn  ownfjwfiw fkjnwskfjn ldnfi onoweibf dvokboerjn v


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