

by Guest32235  |  earlier

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I am NOT being judgmental. I REALLY want to understand why teenagers are in to this body piercing "thing". From MOST adults points of view, it looks hideous, like it hurts A LOT, incomprehensible, and pointless. When I see a teenager with his/her tongue pierced, eyebrow pierced, lip, nose or WHATEVER visual part pierced. . .I'm in AWE that they (teenagers) find that . . .in any way. . ."cool", neat, or smart. And . . .yes. . .I HAVE heard about the genitalia, too !!! Now to me. . .that's just entirely beyond my comprehension. So here's your opportunity. . .kids ! Educate us adults as to WHY you do this. I'd love to know. REALLY !!!!




  1. Well, two years ago I got my monroe piercing done, only to take it out for work in february of 2008. i got it 1) because it looked really neat at the time 2) the whole experience was fun & taught me more about myself then i knew. i really was scared that it was going to hurt, but when i asked when they were going to do it, they were already putting the top on. i couldn't feel it at all. i never knew i could withstand that much pain, seeing as i'd never been to the hospital & had an intravenous put in me. but regarding work, i knew i would have to take it out, for professional reasons.

    i also have my ears guaged to a 00. i find these things are a good way of self-expression, you know, like various tribes in the world do as well. piercings are a good way to express your individuality, & are easily removeable, unlike tattoos.  

  2. They think it makes them more attractive.

  3. Well body piercings are new and therefore most teenagers think its cool to do so and they just do it. And well i am a teenager myself and i havent pierced myself cause it doest seem that cool to me.

  4. im a teenager and i think it's disgusting! :D

  5. Cant you accept, things change, we like diffrent things. Now teenagers can actually stand up for themselves, and they actually have personalities, so please stop hating on us, this is a GREAT generalisation of teenagers, alot of adults have peircings too, so please stop it. We want to express our feelings, you seem to have alot of anger to people who are younger then you due to this topic.

    I know you are older because what young person says.."Neat" .. please stop bashing us, we get enough in the papers of how we are all antisocial and want to mug people. Thankyou x

  6. some teens do it bcuz there friends got it or cuz it looks cool but there is them few teens that do it to express themselfs the same as with tattoos

  7. It's just a trend really,

    I myself am 15, but don't have any piercings and don't plan on it any time soon.

    Though one of my friends has a few piercings, to him it's addictive.

  8. I am not a teenager, but remember what it was like.  They somehow think they are the new wave in culture.  That they have discovered a new trend.  With that, try to do everything different from adults.  It's piercing and tattoos today and will be something else down the road.

  9. i'm 20,

    i have my lip pierced twice and 9 piercings in my ears.

    for me it wasn't about being 'cool' as such. its more of a statement. its an image. everyone has an image whether they mean to or not. i like looking alternative. its stemmed from my creativity in the arts and in my music taste. i also have synthetic dreads and a tattoo....

    its the same reason that people dye their hair blonde, get a perm, wear a neclace or those high heels...... its all for image. and what we view as looking nice, is different to what you view as looking nice. the reason teenagers do it more often then adults is because its acceptable for a teen to get it done and you dont care as much when you are young as you are still discovering yourself.

    so please, the next time you see someone with a piercing,

    don't judge, they are just like you! we are all human!

  10. its an expression of ones self, stop being so old

  11. its just stupid, but helps when you're beating one up, pull the ******* piercings off that will teach them

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