

by  |  earlier

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my dad is a alcoholic and basically drinks all the tim.i've tried it before and it really dnt taste that good as ppl say.all my friends try 2 force me 2 drink but i jus dnt like the smell or taste. i dnt understand why ppl love this stuff so much and how it takes over ur whole entire lives? its nasty! but of corse ihaven'tt tried all the wonderful liquors in the world so i may not noe every single taste. my question is 2 u why do U like it?




  1. Yes, beer is an acquired taste but I like how refreshing it is without being abrasive (like some hard drinks)

  2. sorry about your circumstances..honestly.i like the taste and thats why i drink fact i,m having one now,not all beers drinkers are alcoholics,this can come in many forms..a true alcoholic isn,t going to turn down any alcohol,its not the type of alcohol thats the addiction,its truly an addiction to alcohol..

    good luck and god bless..

  3. Well, really, it's just like anything.  Some people have a problem with overeating and some people don't.  Just as some people have a problem with over-drinking and, well, some don't.  Not everyone who drinks is an alcoholic.

    I personally like the taste of some liquor, and the feeling I get from a few drinks.

  4. There is a difference between being an alcoholic and enjoying beer (or other alcoholic beverage) in moderation.  Drinking to get drunk is self-destructive, and that's a whole issue that maybe someone in the psychology section can help you with.  As the kid of an alcoholic, you may develop a real distaste for beer (or other beverages);  but keep in mind that it is possible to develop a taste for good beer or wine, to use it responsibly, in moderation.

    If I may suggest, there are free groups for families of alcoholics that provide counselling on how to deal with your dad's problem, so you can lead a happy healthy life.

    Wishing you strength in your future!

  5. It tastes good and give you a buzz.

  6. Alcoholics will drink anything that will get them drunk.  There are some really good beers out there.  I love beer because they are complex in flavor.  A good wine can be outrageously priced, but a good beer is affordable to all.  Guinness is good if you like stouts.  I like IPA's and Belgian Ales as well.  

  7. Because it gives you a buzz ;-)

    Seriously now, give your father this number: (800) 527-5344

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