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  1. Hey!

    Quit assuming all women do cheat!

    MOST women cheat because they can be sick of the dude or he's cheating aswell, or they do it 'cause they're indecisive.

    Although, I don't know from a bad girl's perspective.

  2. Poeple cheat becuase they cannot do the work of really making a relatioship work in a healthy way.

  3. because they aren't with the right man and they are too scared to leave.

    i would never cheat or stay with the wrong man, but that is why many women do cheat.

  4. First off, both men and women have the capability to cheat and I believe both should be equally punished for their actions.

    There are various reasons why people cheat and all of them being stupid. Maybe she wasn't happy with you and was too much of a punk to come out with her true feelings. Maybe she's to weak-minded and couldn't control her urges.

    You can tell I have little respect for people who cheat on their lovers.

  5. Both.  Woman that cheat are so stupid because they were married for all the wrong reasons.  Then they stay married for some unintelligent reason and go have s*x somewhere else.  Classy!

    She's just some low-life scum, who doesn't even know how to be in a true love relationship where her man is treating her like gold.  She would rather have s*x for an hour with some loser who is treating her like a piece of dirt.  No love and no respect anywhere.

    Well she will always have a miserable life and truly regret it someday.  She has no idea what she's missing out on, but she will when it's too late.

  6. I simply left my 1st husband and didn't cheat.  He was a rotten no good drug addict and I was sick of it.  I was an alcoholic so I am no saint.  I chose to go to treatment and improve my life.  He accused me of cheating and I stayed celibate because I was disgusted with men and I finally met a man that has respect although life is never perfect I have lived almost 45 years and have better things to do than cheat on him.  We joke about men and women in magazines and the net, but we go to bed tiogether.  Men go to strip clubs and the only women I knew that cheated were getting revenge on cheating husbands.

  7. All a guy has to do is tell a woman that she has the best p***y around and she'll fall for it every time and cheat, and no it doesn't have to be because she's in a bad relationship either.

  8. They cheat for the same reason that men do.  

  9. Oh ill bet you just opened a door with monsters on the other side lmao , why do you catagoraize this as women ? why could you not say why do people have to cheat ? in a game of poker  why will some cheat and some dont ? its not about all the players , its about the few players who have no morals !  

  10. WHY DO MEN CHEAT??? i mean it's really simple either your just not the type of person who can be with just one other...or you haven't found what your looking for sexually i guess....i mean i've done it, and honestly couldn't tell you why???...but i've grown up and when i look back it really wasn't worth it......

  11. Why do men cheat?


  13. Women don't have to cheat they choose to.

  14. for the same reasons men do:

    lack of character

    no morals

    no ethics

    no respect for themselves or anyone else

  15. No one has to cheat. People choose to be unfaithful for different reasons. However, there is never a valid reason for cheating. If a woman cheats on you, then leave and find one who won't.  

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