
WHY DOES MEXICO STILL MAKE TOXIC CANDY (CONTAINING LEAD) which children-- their own children consume in US ...

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It contains lead which children-- their own children consume in MEXICO as well. I notice A LOT of my ELD high school students show signs of such toxicity with short attention spans and very low motivation in life, and they are continuing to eat it daily. THIS IS ALARMING, FOLKS. PLEASE SEND MEXICO A MESSAGE TO CARE ABOUT CHILDREN. See the article at OCRegister web address: - 89k - 2008-01-25




  1. It says the page you are looking for is not found, do you have any other links?

    Well, I looked up a lot of this myself and found that not only is Mexico not doing a whole lot about it, but the US is doing nothing.  Even in the products that have tested high on lead content, the US government has not acted and it's still legal to sell these candies.

    I think maybe we should look to both governments, not just theirs.

  2. idk. i was born in Mexico . and trust me parents will let their kids go buy anything and they dont watch out but my family always said that i had to bring someone older than me to check on wat i was buying.

  3. denero(the greens) my friend oh and its the fukn bomb baby

  4. They need to sell it to the FBI, the CIA, and the military for special research. Maybe that will help the economy.

  5. and hersheys in Oakdale CA. just closed and moved to Mexico I wont eat it unless its from pennslyvana no regulations there I heard.

  6. toxic mexican candy is fukn good, why u mak'n fun of eld students?gosh, jus cause sum of their illegal. thas kinda racist, its not like mexico can afford to take out tha lead. mayb if u relly cared, u should go down there with ure money and help.

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