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[Sorry for how long this is] ..Hi, im just wondering wa it sounds like to u why she's like she is.. im 18 live at home & so does she with her baby who's 1 & half.. wen i was at school i met this boy a few years ago, since last year iv been going out with him but hid it from everyone cuz i was scared wa my sister would say.. however wen she found out she made me feel really down & was winding me up going 'errr kelly's had s*x' at 17? WOW! since shes found out all she does is ***** about him & say i can do better..its not as if he hits me or anything tho he's really nice, its like she cant get it into her head that were we'll be sat there & she'll bring up s*x & ask us questions & just out the blue go 'i know wa u 2 will be up to wen were away on hol'. She's forever putting me down also.. like for example i was going to have my hair cut & shes going to me 'why u having ur hair cut it'll be too short' she's forever saying horrible things to me,bitching & aint got one nice thing to say about me! she said before that im jealous cuz shes got a b/f & i havent wen i actually did but was hiding it. She makes my life h**l & im seriously thinking of staying up my dads til she finds a house.. even tho shes finding a house to move but she said that could take til next year. My mum said to her why not go into a hostel she'll get a house quicker but she dont want to cuz she think shes too good for that. She's forever on my mums back,txting her, ringing her.. shes got her own family now but she dont take her kid anywhere on her own or shes stuck in. ..My mum thinks its jealousy. My nan thinks its jealousy & says if i keep listening to her i'll end up in a skitso hosp. & a friend of my mums says its jealousy. After every argument she NEVER says sorry, she'll just act like nothings happend, but i dont do that all i do is think about wa shes called me or wa eva & it hurts, i sometimes cry at night because she makes me so down. She once made me want to kill myself on my 17th birthday aswell. I know i should love her for the big sister that she is but iv began to hate her because of the way she is! Shes really controlling..she tells her b/f wa to spend his money on & wa he cant & can buy wen its his money which he works hard for. & she inst protecting me doing her mistakes cuz she's said to me wen am i having a baby even tho im 18.




  1. Too much drama, kiddo....sounds like the Jerry Springer show!

    People aren't supposed to live like that!

    Try to keep out of her way until you're old enough and in a financial position to get a place of your own!  

  2. I think she might just be unhappy and taking it out on you. If she had a baby young and is still with the father maybe she doesn't want to be but feels she has no choice. I think she is jealous because you have freedom to do what you want and she can't. Also, don't put up with it. Just tell her to shut up and stay out of your life. Don't let her treat you like that. Good luck.

  3. Yes, she's jealous and selfish and all the rest, and here's the thing, love: DON'T PAY ANY ATTENTION TO THE c**p SHE COMES OUT WITH. Just get on with your own life, and learn from her mistakes. In fact, tell her that you're not having a baby soon because you've learned from her mistakes!

    Legally your mother can kick her out, by the way.  

  4. She just dont want you to follow the wrong path like she did. She wants you to do much better than she did and not make the same mistakes  

  5. find her side of the story and develop proper relation...wish you good luck

  6. Maybe having a baby was really hard on her, or maybe she's just hurt about something (like the baby's father) I suggest you try to talk to her find out her side of the story. Or do more things with her, build a proper relationship.  

  7. oh dear I don't like saying this but she is spiteful and jealous she in fact has messed her life up and cant handle it, she is not trying to help you the jealousy is eating away at her and your her target for frustration, DONT take any notice of what she says you have a life still if any thing you can change your life still, she cant,

    byed your time and all will be ok for you just don't get pregnant or you will be where she is (nowhere) x    

  8. Please,format your query in english !

    Maybe if you were to explain in a language

    that people understand,then you would receive

    an answer that you would not understand !!!!!

  9. WOW!  She definitely is taking her stresses out on everybody else.  I agree that she probably doesn't want you to follow in her footsteps but doesn't realize how far away she is pushing you.  I would stay away from her as much as possible until she gets a handle on her life.  And do not let her get to you so badly that you think about suicide!  These are her issues for her to deal with, if you are happy with your boyfriend don't let your sister ruin it.  Although you shouldn't be having s*x so young.  s*x is such an emotional connection, that if you guys break up it will be 10x more difficult to get over.

  10. Geez, I don't blame you for not loving your sis like you're supposed to. She's so old, why is she still harassing you like you're nothing? I suggest you not speak to her. If she tries to talk to you or ask you questions, feed her with one-word answers, like "OK" or "Maybe" or "No" or just smile and ignore her. Avoid eye contact with her, and just act like she's invisible. She has no respect for you, or for anyone for that matter, so you don't need to treat her with any respect either. Just ignore her and treat her with no love. Don't argue with her, let her have everything her way. If she tells you to do something, say that you will do it. But don't do it. Just treat her as bad as you possibly can, without violence. Good luck.

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