
WHY DOES my ipod keep dying when i charge it. i tryed it agasint the wall & it doesnt work. also comp.

by  |  earlier

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  1. The battery probably went dead and won't charge.  Apple usually is good about fixing them.  Probably because ipods break often.

  2. This happened to me earlier this year. the battery is starting to fail. which means you must replace it. the batteries apple uses are designed to last about 2 years. there are websites in which you can send your ipod in and they will replace the battery for you for a fee, it's only about 30-40 dollars. i went to ipod juice and had them send me the battery and i replaced it myself, although you can send it into them, and i dont recommend you do it by yourself if you have no experience doing it.

    there are also other websites that will replace your battery for you, make sure they are a legit company.

    if you no longer have your warranty through apple, they will charge you about $100 dollars or more to replace the battery. or just give you a refurbished ipod instead of replacing your battery.

  3. Batteries dead OR your using it as a fashion statement instead of a tool.

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