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One of the greatest scenes in science fiction history (filmed in 1984). As a boy I remember watching this over and over and over again.


*At 1:06 note the musical score and combination of panning on Kirk's face.

*At 2:38 note the Excelsior captain's demeanor. Very well acted.

*At 3:37 watch the assured coolness with which Scotty acknowledges a job well done (this part was one my brother and I would act out a million times LOL!). Also note the power of Excelsior's engines we hear in the shot immediately following this.

*Finally, from 4:27 to 4:39 note how Kirk heeds Chekov's warning that their commandeered Enterprise is not out of danger yet.

Has feminism's insistence on equality in all facets of life precluded the possibility of contemporary movies possessing this type of acting and the nuances that come with it?




  1. Women don't belong competing with men period. We belong walking with them every step of the way; just like they belong walking with us every step of the way.  This is the natural order of things; however, in her home woman must be all of these things you ascribed to Kirk and the rest, since she is the sole child rearer; some men can't help; they have other pressures; if she is to raise well-rounded children; in other words she must be kind, loving and firm. With her husband she must be kind, courteous and respectful; along with other life choices they may adhere to. The husband; when the wife is these things that I have just described must be the same towards her. He's not the right to rebell is hers; it's a natural cause after all; more worthy to fight for than to compete with men.

  2. Yeah great stuff.  So natural, fun, action, etc.  Not like the drek that the new movies have-all special effects.  Btw 7 of 9 has ruined Star Trek Voyager.

    I love her character but enough is enough.  

    B'lanna is cute...!

  3. I don't think feminism has anything to do with film-making, which is a largely male-dominated industry.  Film makers  (with the possible exception of a few like Woody Allen) make films that they think will make money.  They're not in it for feminism, they're in it for profit.

    One of my husband's favourite films is 'Contact' which is a sci-fi film with a strong female lead (Jodie Foster).  There is no reason why good films and strong female characters should be incompatible.

  4. Roles unsuited for women...or just not to your tastes???

  5. Look ? Finally their commadeered enterprise is not out of dnger yet? Needs some thing like a magic?

  6. Probably for the same reason that chauvinism insists on having men in leadership roles even when they have no leadership ability: it is human nature to deny our individual limitations.

  7. One the original star trek was horrible, two when people try to do job's there not suited for they either A) realize there mistake, B) tick everyone off till other people make them realize there mistake or C) they get someone killed or seriously hurt then they realize there mistake.

            I am not worried about feminism and movies because in the last 5 years feminist movies and liberal movies have pretty much went broke. They cost more to make then they raise in revenue. Why do you think the last how many years seen a rise in comic book movie's?

            Because there is no politics and if the writers,directors,producers tried to put liberal or feminist garbage they would have tens of millions of fanatics after them.

    You have nothing to worry about. Everything feminist touch they destroy. The education system, media(people have a hard time believing that there being honest in there reporting these days) ,government( as soon as a feminist is elected speaker of the house she cuts back on men's health care reflecting her feminist man hating view's)..

    In short they got a manure version of the Midas touch. History will record there failures and the cost to society they have caused, if not the end of it.

  8. I have no idea, but this and the unfair laws favoring women is my biggest problem with feminism...they make life difficult for women who don't want to compete with men....I'm not a man, I don't want to compete for jobs/salaries either...

  9. You misunderstand.

    Feminism is not about placing women in suited roles. Feminism is about enslaving men. It has been going on in the US for 50+yrs.

  10. Well El at least be secure in the knowledge that you have the opportunity to change that =D Good luck!

  11. Other than the dismantling of natural order and the advancement of social decadence, I genuinely cannot understand the logic underlying post-modern feminism nor can I predict the short-term consequences of it.  It's essentially in defiance of natural order and evades logic, in my opinion.

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