it's really getting me mad >:/
it "used" to be really unique, STUPID, but unique, you know?
like how emo used to be. You could just be yourself for a while,
without having to look like everyone else. but NOW
it's like commercial use, EVERY girl has the fake extensions with the ugly shoppy layers TEASED to the ******* wall. my own friends do it too!!!!!!! I see SO many questions posted asking "OMG do you know this hairstyle" and "how can i go rocker emooo" it's really just annoying. not to mention how HORRIBLE it is to your hair, it kills it, teasing and hairspray and breakage. why do people do it? seriously? you don't even get ANYTHING out it! plus, i EVEN see girls who wear hollister and say their "preppy" having that same hairstyle and claiming their scene.
why is "Scene" the new scene? why is emo suddenly accepted for EVERYONE?