

by  |  earlier

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it's really getting me mad >:/

it "used" to be really unique, STUPID, but unique, you know?

like how emo used to be. You could just be yourself for a while,

without having to look like everyone else. but NOW

it's like commercial use, EVERY girl has the fake extensions with the ugly shoppy layers TEASED to the ******* wall. my own friends do it too!!!!!!! I see SO many questions posted asking "OMG do you know this hairstyle" and "how can i go rocker emooo" it's really just annoying. not to mention how HORRIBLE it is to your hair, it kills it, teasing and hairspray and breakage. why do people do it? seriously? you don't even get ANYTHING out it! plus, i EVEN see girls who wear hollister and say their "preppy" having that same hairstyle and claiming their scene.

why is "Scene" the new scene? why is emo suddenly accepted for EVERYONE?




  1. uhhh. um wow. u guys reall ylike debating, anyways i was itnhking of getting the scene haircut cuz it look sawesome but im not a scene im a reg 13 year old girl/ i hav long, brown hair tht everyone loves but i need to cut them,. im not sure if i can pull off the look . thts wat imworried bout. i dont wanna get side swept bangs either cuz there soo common!! i was tihnkign of getting a v-cut, but im not sure. i hav a ovalish squarish face. and i dont noe ich haircut will look goo don me. help mee

  2. uhhh. um wow. u guys reall ylike debating, anyways i was itnhking of getting the scene haircut cuz it look sawesome but im not a scene im a reg 13 year old girl/ i hav long, brown hair tht everyone loves but i need to cut them,. im not sure if i can pull off the look . thts wat imworried bout. i dont wanna get side swept bangs either cuz there soo common!! i was tihnkign of getting a v-cut, but im not sure. i hav a ovalish squarish face. and i dont noe ich haircut will look goo don me. help mee

  3. Well, I want one because it looks cool, but I'm not a scene kid! People just like the style sometimes, it's not like they are all scenesters.  I like the hair cut and I'm not dying it wacky colors! It's all peoples tastes.  Get over yourself!

  4. Okay ,
    First off . I love how ur bagging on the mother f*****g style like ur some queen bee . , Ur just f*****g pissed that ur hair wont go that way & ur hair wont stop being flat ! Just because ur style has no humor no volume & whatever else you dont have doesn't mean you gotta talk s**t about people who do have it . Alright ? People who do where hollister , & have there choppy layers or whatever , Should'nt be discluded in scene or emo ? Matter of fact not even preppy , just because they got the hair doesnt me the gotta give up there style its there personal opinion and i love how you post this whole thing probably just to see who hates on it with you to make you feel better that you cant and never will pull off that look , & btw just because those little 12 year old girls dress like that doesnt mean there posers . Trust me there probably more real than you , ; you dont see them posting hate about ur f*****g style . So hop off the style's d**k and go check in ur mirror to see if ur hair poofed yet! snooty f*****g b***h . 0h & BTW , GET UR FAKE a*s OPINIONS IN UR FAKE a*s HEAD & DROWNED IN UR MOTHER f*****g FAKE PERSONAILITY WITH UR UN PROPER GRAMMAR! ;) Thanks. Bye hater w***e -- ;*<3

    P.s - i'm not saying something because i'm scene because im deff not anything to be honest i think people who seperate other people with clicks & sterio types are fake as f**k . Goodbye

  5. I think the hair is pretty cool you didnt event the fashion and anybody can get it mabe they like it there not coppying you dont be so consededed with your hair

  6. omg ur like so right i had the same freaken problem i used to be te only girl ho did it and people use to always complement me about my hair and they liked my style   and then when school was over and we came back every freaken girl in the freaken school had teased hair it like became this big a*s trend so i seriously fucken hate it now and im open to other things like i like more of the pinupgirl look i got into it because of my bf he is a punk boy and i started looking up some stuff and i fell inlove with it and watch next year everyone is going to turn punk again  its gonna come back and every scene kid is going to go for it  im not saying ur stupid cuz ur scene i completly understand that thats you and fakes out there are stupid and ARE DOING WHAT EVERYONE ELSE DOES

  7. People are following fads. And, it may just be a style that they prefer over another.

  8. Scene kidds are beautiful!♥
    nd their haircuts nd styles nd outragous hair colors
    are sickk to the Maxx!

    some of youu people are lameos bagging on a style thatt doesn't
    needd your neggative comments.
    bett youur justt jealous you cant pull off the lookk.

    go get a life....

  9. hmm...
    you're completely right..
    i used to love being unique but now it's like you can't walk out the effing door without those 12 year old posers walking by with their crappy as haircut, baggy jeans, and knockoff eyeliner.
    BUT i also hate when people say "i was the original scene queen" its like duh.
    im not scene. im not emo. im not preppy. these "labels" can burn in h**l for all i care

  10. Scene haircuts are so ugly. They look ridiculous.
    Whoever has a scene hairstyle looks like a f*****g idiot in my opinion -.-

  11. Well maybe people like the way it looks?? And you can b preppy but still have a scene haircut its not like your changing ur whole self jus ur hair so GET OVER IT!!! People like to try new things and ther not changing ther personality or anything but jus because they have ther hair like that people like you catagorize them as "scene" or "emo"!

  12. i hate that everyone is going scene!! i have been scene since 8th grade this year im going into 11th every store sells colored skinny jeans and every store has graphic tees and skate shoes..I HATE POSERS

  13. not very good how your all saying be yourselfs...
    i am myself and i have my own style, yes i do have a scene haircut but i also wear all different kinds of clothes,
    plus i tease and straten my hair all the time and my hair is fine, silky and smooth once the hairspray has been washed out,
    use a good shampoo and your hair will be fine!
    and also, when getting a scene hairstyle cut new, i do take a picture of the internet of an amazing scene hairstyle that i like , but then i draw it out again with my own personal thoughts on how it would get cut, so you use the pictures of other haircuts for insperation and change it to how you like it! and i agree, my friends is preppy and her hair is in more damadge than mine beause she straghtens and curls it so much!

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