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Who has to get all the questions about drugs?

Ok we sell it, but that's not the main thing about Holland!

THe main thing is.....well I can't say.

But maybe when you come here and you're not high ALL the time you can have a lok around.




  1. I've been to the Netherlands a few times.  It's not that great there to be honest - the scenery is a bit boring for a start, and the weather's damp all the time, humid in summer, rainy/snowy and cold in winter.  I probably won't go again - there are a lot nicer places in the world to visit.

  2. Thats not even a question thats just you shouting at random people for not taking in scenery

  3. Well honey, The Netherlands is internationally renowned as being soft on smoking weed and various other drugs, so there are a lot of drug tourists as a result, but I think the majority of tourists and permanent residents don't go there just for that. I mean the main thing is the red light district and the d***o museum right? Only kidding. How about clogs and windmills. OK a little stereotypical.

  4. Actually I've never been to Holland, but I would very much like to ( and I hate drugs). My wife has been there, and she loved the culture, the flowers, the diamond cutting factory she visited ( I'll try to steer clear of that, for the sake of my wallet) the s*x museum ( that should be fun) the windows without curtains, and in general all the openness that the people have towards everything. Eventually I'll visit.

  5. Wow, you just totally contradicted yourself and gave the all of us Dutch a bad name, screaming like you're on mushrooms.

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