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as though every democrat candidate (including obama) and major supportive have not been rich?

hypocrisy much?




  1. All politicians have I don't see what the issue is. Maybe people are jealous?

  2. Obama was asked that question today and his response is" he is an Elitist" and the interviewer stated you are as well and he responded "he is wealthy" and the interviewer stated well you made 4 million selling your book and Obama responded" I did over a two year period". Tell me this man is not crackers or what the pot calling the kettle black or is that saying racial now! LOL

  3. It's only an issue to the left because they have nothing else legit to discredit McCain with. Their attacks on his military service backfired and they certainly aren't going to attack his Senate voting record.

  4. While on vacation Obama's ratings in the polls has slipped considerably and his efforts at the forum didn't help either. So he tried something drastic using the politics as usual type tactics that he says he doesn't use and that he will never use. Funny how he turned the spotlight on himself and his dirty Chicago Rezco deal. He is even inexperienced when it comes to debating. This and his effort to give clear answers in the forum has shown his lack of strength even in a discussion (his supposed strong point).

  5. Obama earned his money.  McCain was born rich and married into even more money.

  6. His wife is worth at least 100M not 10M and she inherited it. He is ranked among the top 10 richest senators. There is nothing wrong with being rich, but the rich are usually elitist. I bet they don't invite the middle class to dinner unless it's a photo op. Obama got his the old fashioned way, he earned it. And some of his money comes from Americans living abroad who have the right to contribute to campaigns and to vote. And he is not elitist. He worked in poor neighborhoods doing community service before the Democratic National Convention. If you tell a lie long enough, you start to believe it. (he's a Muslim and probably gets his money from the Middle East)  You probably don't know the definition of Muslim. For truth see "" I believe some of you are afraid that iif a black man is elected, you will be mistreated the way some whites in power have mistreated minorities. Fortunately there have been fair-minded politicians such as Lyndon Johnson and John Kennedy who  were for all  people.

  7. cuz he's a republican. Of course it's never an issue for Soros, Turner, Edwards, Kerry....

  8. Because a) they are jealous and b) being rich has somehow become a bad thing these days even though c) every Democrat in Washington and certainly every presidential candidate needs to be rich to win. It's delusional to think that Obama pumps his own gas or pays his own bills at the kitchen table.

  9. Well, I even question all the money bama has. I am quite afraid its coming from the east!

    And yes democrasses are money hungry and they are making such a big deal that Mr. McCain has 7 houses.

    I have 7 houses for crying out loud, And I am not rich! I still drive a 10 yr old car.

  10. It's not hypocristy. It IS because he is trying desperately to relate to the average American who earns roughly $40,000 a year, yet he's so rich he doesn't know how many homes he owns. That's no way to relate to the working class when you're rich enough to forget how many homes you own. That's the problem, that's where the hypocrisy lies

  11. Because the majority of the nation is living at or below proverty and how can someone with a silver spoon born in their mouth relate to the majority. That is why!!  

  12. its about all they have to hate on him for

  13. idk man idk

  14. obama sucks and McCain is a republican so they're just downing him but McCain is WAAAAYYY BETTER.

  15. I don't think being rich is the whole problem. But McCain isn't just rich, the man is RICH!! I mean, he is rich now and he has always been very wealthy. I don't know about you, but I don't trust very rich people to understand how it is to live like I do, or to really care about how i live. I work for a rich man, and I can tell you that he has completely lost connection with the real world. Money does that to people. How many rich people are honest, and non money hungry? I think just the fact that McCain wants to give big business huge tax cuts and to h**l with the rest of us proves that. I mean d**n people the man said himself, "I don't know about the economy." HE ADMITTED HE IS NOT RIGHT FOR THE JOB!!!!

    About the houses, for me, if you can't even handle your own finance, if you can't even remember the amount of houses you have, how can you run a country? Not surprising that McCain doesn't even know the geography of the countries we are sending our troops to.

    And who ever made the comment that they have 7 house and are not rich.....yeah you're either lying, or forgetting that once you sell all those properties that you'd be worth a pretty penny.

    Obama/Biden '08  Two guys Two houses

  16. It's not a crime to be rich, so is his wife and she pretty.

  17. It's not an issue... it was Obama's only way to respond to the Republican propaganda that Obama's an elitist.  McCain's group has done their darnest to make people believe Obama is affluent and therefore, disconnected from the rest of society.  Obama is now retaliating by outlining just how "down to earth" McCain is with his $10million dollar wife and 8 homes, etc, etc...

    **** Way to thumbs down me for actually knowing the correct story!!  Welcome to US politics where people only listen to/ comprehend half of the information.***

  18. McCain will steal from the poor and give it to the rich just like his good buddy George W did!!

    On top of that send the poor to his war with Iran, d**n why can't people see this!!!!!!!

  19. Late in the 8th inning, Obama is down 10 points, need something to, anything, to toss out to try and keep his candidicy alive. Hillary nipping at his heels doesn't help. What do you want to bet that Hillary is going to engineer a nomination fight at the convention?

  20. Its NOT for his supporters, only to the DEMOCRAPS!!!

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