
WHY PRESS THE BUTTON? Traffic lights...?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering wether there is an actual point to pressing of the wait button at traffic lights...? Does is change anything, i don't personally think so.

Thank you!




  1. Keeps you busy until light changes and keeps your hopes up ......

  2. I always press it but sometimes I suspect that on some lights it is there  psychological reasons only

  3. It depends on the area and, possibly, time of day.

    In an area such as Glasgow City Centre, the entire traffic light network is computer controlled. Different programmes are in operation at different times of the day - each with different green times for pedestrian flow and for each trafffic flow. As this runs, another computer takes in data of actual movements so that the programme can be tweaked for improvements. For most of these programmes, the pressing of the pedestrian crossing buttons provides data solely for the latter purpose.

    However, at other locations, pressing the crossing button WILL alter the traffic signal sequence. This is particularly the case at a junction where there is one overwhelming traffic flow - say north/south. Here the traffic lights are set continually set at green for north/south traffic, changing only on response to other needs. So, if a car approaches from the west, sensors (either at road level prior to the junction, or on the top of the traffic signal) will pick this up and change the signals accordingly. Likewise, the pedestrian buttons will pick up the need for all-red traffic signals.

    So, simply put, YES, use the buttons - sometimes they are needed, other times they collect important information for the future.

  4. No but there is a little thing that sticks out the bottom underneath the button, twist it and the lights change to red straight away so you can cross!!

    It works EVERY time!

    Shhh, its a secret!

    (Well not any more!)

  5. Give mr p the 10points spot on.

  6. If it's a set of pedestrian lights, then yes!  Or else they'll just stay red for you.

    What I can't understand is the idiots who press the button even when someone else has just done it.  It's not as if it's going to speed it up.

  7. They will stay green otherwise

  8. Always press the button.  All traffic doesn't need to stop because we're crossing, butt he light will give you the green walk signal, indicating to drivers that the pedestrians have the right of way.  If you don't push the button, the walk signal may not come on at all or it won't last long enough to cross the street.

  9. It does affect the timing - but only during certain circumstances.

    Most lights have ground sensing cables buried in the lanes of traffic. The system adjusts the lights to how many cars are there (there are usually 3 loops per lane).

    Other systems use little radar boxes on top of the lights.

    If all lanes are full, then pressing the button does little, but if there is only a few cars then it will work faster for you.

    You will find that WHEN you press the button is important. Do it in a short gap in the traffic ant it sometimes senses no traffic- so gives you priority!

    I think it is also stress relief to press it. Perhaps they should play a sound sample of someone inside a little box saying "ok ok I'm doin my best!......... Just hang on a bit"

  10. yeh they wont know there is anybody to cross otherwise

  11. On some traffic lights if you don't press the button to cross, the lights will stay permantently on green for the traffic to go through.

    There is no twisty button on the crossing box, it just vibrates when it's okay to cross so that blind/visual impaired people know it's okay to cross.  I know this because 2 blind/visually impaired friends have told me.

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