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  1. Sounds like a good idea to me.  Black with white stripes is good.

  2. its cool to stay in school.

  3. I agree it would do away with alot  fighting because of the way some are dressed

  4. I think that we should. Everyone will argue about individuality, but you can still dress how you want to after school and on the weekend. People go to regular jobs all day in uniforms (Soldier, Maid, Burger King Employee...etc..) Wearing uniforms will make it easy to pick what you have to wear in the morning, not to mention it will release alot of pressure from the poorer kids who can't afford all the "fancy" Hollister and A&F clothes. I wish we had uniforms when I was in high school

  5. Personally I would have killed to have had uniforms when I was in school. If everyone is wearing the same clothes, that's one less thing for kids to be cruel to one another about. While I can understand an argument that uniforms would "take away the kids ability to express themselves", there are plenty other, better ways to express yourself than by what clothes you wear.

  6. You should because many kids get over competitive with the latest designer fashions, Kids are there to learn not walk the cat walk

  7. I only wore a  uniform in elementary school.  I think uniforms are a great idea.  People will argue about kids not being able to express their individuality, however, school is a place to learn and not to show off your latest Juicy Couture outfit.

    I think uniforms help alleviate some of the issues kids can have in school.  If everyone is wearing the same thing, the kids who can't afford name brand clothes won't feel left out or ridiculed.  Also, I think it helps kids be more focused on their schoolwork and activities instead of begging their parents to get them the latest trendy clothes so they won't be the "uncool" kid at school.

  8. i do not have to and u shouldnt because you can never show the way u dresss and stuff at school which sucks for you jk!!!!

  9. I think you posted this in the wrong place.  What does wearing uniforms to school have to do with the environment?

  10. Personally I like it.  But if you want to argue about it you can always say because it creates rivalry.  Just think about it, there is a thing called too much pride.  Take example the cripes and the blood.  Red signifies one gang while blue signifies another.  Pretty soon you might have one rival school going again another.  Westside might hate Eastside students and the uniforms soon becomes battle gear.

  11. School is h**l there are bigger issues like surviving it for a start

  12. saves money and work for you or the maid or mom

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