
WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS?? how can i prove this b*tch is lieng?????????

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so im chillin with this guy i've been talking to a long time... i mean i really care about him...

and we're with his friend will and will's gf jess. all of a sudden my guy starts giving me the cold shoulder and says we gotta go.

on the way home i ask him wats wrong and he told me will and jess told him i sucked his best friends d*ck....

im like WTF R U SERIOS??

they have no reason to lie to him or make up **** about me cuz ive only ever been nice to them. the girl even had the nerve 2 say I TOLD HER I DID IT....

now he wont talk to me..



by the way these are 18/19 years olds we're talking about.




  1. Because they are 18/19 year old CHILDREN!!!  

    You might care about this guy but he certainly does not care about you and he sounds like a real pus*y to be quite honest.

  2. Wow, I'm 19...and you think that girl would grow up and be mature. She is jealous and probably wants your man. Call her, with your guy on the other line. Dont let her know he is on the phone. Be nice and ask why she did that and how it hurt your relationship...see what she has to say and your boyfriend can listen.  

  3. Go to his best friend and talk to him tell him what is up and try to explain to your friend that you didnt do that!  Sounds like they are jealous get used to it if youare pretty you are gonna have haters and if he believes them then he aint worth your time!

  4. First, tell him, you can't believe he would disrespect you enough to believe something without asking you if it's true. Then, working or not, confront the gf and will about it, stand ur ground. Make them realize it hurt you a lot. Then try to figure out why they said that..or it might have only been the gf..idk

  5. the are jealous  

  6. Well sounds like Jess is jeal;ous caus eprobably Will finds you really atractive or she likes Wills best friend. Either way she is jealous of you.

    Your friend wont talk to you cause likes you, what an immature cru baby. Call him and tell him to listen to you for just 1 minute. Tell him your side of the story  and at the end just say; "If you don't want to believe me fine, but if you won't too bad I thought you knew and really cared about but me. But what really hurts me is that I realize that you are jerk just like every other guy I know, I though you where different."  

    That is just gonna kill him, he is gonna cry himself to sleep that night.

  7. first you can spell lying right but anyhow, I mean if you're man cared about you and your dignity he'd knock your best friend out and cuss that girl out b/c he knows you better than any one of them so f*&^ them. But anyways since he didnt, then it sounds like everyone around you needs to grow up

  8. Sounds like they are jealous or don't want him to be in a relationship for some reason. I would talk to your bf and tell him flat out you did not do anything and that thses people can say it to your face and that you want PROOF! Call them out on it!  

  9. Doesn't sound like you're "chillin" to much now are ya?

    I never heard of a cold shoulder.

  10. Maybe they are jealous of what you have with your guy so they are trying to break you guys up. That is really messed up of them to do to you and I would confront them right in front of your guy. Your guy will see by their faces that they are the ones lying!!!  

  11. their jealous.

    and hes stupid for believing it.

  12. Well if he doesnt believe either one of you then he is not worth your time.  Obviously he doesnt trust you and believes the ***** and her bf.  Just shows you where you stand and kick his @$$ to the curb.  You deserve better.

  13. I only see three reasons why somebody would do that.  I will give Will and Jess the benefit of the doubt and assume they thought it would be a funny prank and wanted to see how your b/f would take it, then when confronted about after it caused so much damage, they were so dishonest that they decided to lie to cover their tracks.

    The only other reason is they are evil.  Pure evil.  They might have found a person they wanted to set up with your b/f and they dreamed up the lie to get him available again for the setup date.  If it was true they probably had a backup plan of one or more things that are even worse to keep slandering you until he would finally give up on you.  Any halfway decent person would have waited to see if your relationship fizzled and waited until then to provide him with a new option.

    They admitted it was not a rumor started by somebody else, like if his best friend was jealously joking or you once dated a girls ex, because they said you told them, and even if somebody else did tell them, the ethical thing would be to wonder if it could have been true and then have Jess catch you in private to see if it was true.  You know, she would probably ask in a very dramatic fashion what you think of the cute friend and ask if y'all ever dated, eventually getting to a point to verify the details of the rumor.

    I cannot tell from your description, but if you got all of this from your b/f and did not witness Will and Jess telling your b/f or confirm it with them, then it is possible he made up the whole thing for one of the same two reasons above.  Either he wants to break up with you forever so he can date somebody else, or he just wanted to tease you mercifully to see how you would react.  If your b/f made up the story, for these or any other reason he could come up with, you should dump him like a t**d in the toilet.  

  14. wow maybe they just dont like you is the only reason i can think. I would have his bestfriend tell him in front of you that it is not true. If he don't let you prove it then maybe he really dont care about it and is just over it

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