
WHY are people against a Solution to delete Global Warming?

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I have found a way for man to extract a certain mineral and place this mineral in certain locations around the planet in earth's oceans to allow nature to return to normal naturally. these minerals are only found in 12 specific coastal countries. the first step went out recently and is still going out. open your minds instead of ignoring the facts of life.




  1. First, change. Nobody wants to change their lifestyle. Collectively, many individuals feel like there IS being a lot of waste, but many are biased to see their own individual waste. Second, thought and rationale. Its very hard to give solid documentation that things are occuring DIRECTLY due to global warming. Third, money and time. Thats what it takes to fight this, and people would much rather invest their money in more profiteering methods, as they find this wasteful. That also goes back to evidence. Because the evidence is strictly limited, many people and institutions don't want money going spent to a cause thats unknown. Finally, lobbying. Industries especially do not want to change, and do not want emissions to be decreased or they do not want to incorporate the best available technology to reduce these emissions (rather marginalize profits by using unfitted or less efficient, but cheaper equipment). Also, your question seems to be mainly rhetoric with an added fact in itself. If you desire to spread your cause, it would be worthwhile for you to give solid documentation yourself of this method to induce and aggregate assimilative capacity. The fact that your details to this procedure are so vague makes not believe your methods as more credible.

  2. people are not against the solution to delete global warming.they are looking forward to get rid of it but the only problem is that the people are lethargic they want to contribute their best to get rid of GW but they want it all to happen in just a snap of a finger.on the other hand some are waiting to rise and strive for its destruction but they don't have the slightest idea how to do this is the current problem we....THE ENTIRE WORLD IS FACING.

  3. Global warming is a natural cycle. Find a human solution to a problem that humans have no control over and then we will talk some more.

  4. cos they have to put in effort and forego profits

  5. Some people think about their profit only as some people don't get effect from Global Warming so they don't mind this problems.

  6. because it is to much work for people to get off their big butts and put their water bottle in a recycle bin!

  7. Could you be a little more specific about this mineral? It sounds interesting but the details a little vague.

    There are many people working hard on the solution to abate GW on an individual, business, and governmental level.

    It's a struggle for sure but have faith that movement is being made and as long as you continue to do your part as well it will make the task all the much easier. "Many hands make light work".

    Remember, I and many others are right there with ya.

    Peace : )

  8. Hey, I got a bridge to sell yah....

    I don't think anyone is against a *solution* provided it is done in a responsible and rational way--look what happened with biofuel/food mess.

    While I may not agree with the reasoning, I do think we need to begin to wean ourselves off of fossil fuels for a renewable energy source and transition society from a wasteful lifestyle to a sustainable one. The least efficient and effective methods of achieving these goals are government interference and creation of mass panic. Obviously the transition off fossil-fuels to a renewable energy would have happened well before we came close to running out of oil, but this new vocal alarmist group has caused many problems by attempting to make the transition appear urgent. I won't go into details, but we all should know how fear causes idiotic decisions  seem intelligent.

    To finish this little speech, I conclude with: As other energy sources become more competitive in both price and efficiency, the transition will occur smoothly--without government and without fear. One can only hope that the vocal far left does not decide.

  9. I would not be against it if you could guarantee these things:

    1. It would not cost me any additional money.

    2. You could show the precise benefits to your solution.

    3. It would not hamper my chosen lifestyle.

    4. It could be proven that there would be no unintended consequences to the action taken.

    5. It would not empower or enrich people who have not personally earned it.

  10. hello

    the main reason for resistance is ignorance and fear of investment.people don't realize that the world may not come to an end during their lifetime but definitely the end is coming closer than it should be due to global warming.

    god only help us from such people.

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