
WHY can't a single pearlscale goldfish fit in a 10 gallon tank?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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Sorry, I already asked a question similar to this and am still very confused.....can a single pearlscale goldfish fit in a 10 gallon tank? If not, why? It seems to me that one single goldfish can live in a 10 gallon with frequent cleanings and water changes........besides they only grow up to 6 inches?!?!?




  1. Go to the end of this page: and watch the video to the end.  You will then see why NO gold fish should live in a 10G tank.

  2. it will fit (you could fit about 15) it just wont survive due to the amonia it produces

    it needs a minimum of 20 gallons

  3. Uhh, Goldfishes are really messy and they have a lot of bioload meaning they p**p a lot.. A 10 gallon tank can't take on the bioload of a single goldfish. Minimum tank size is 20 gallons... for a SINGLE goldfish and nothing else..

  4. it just doesnt seem worth it to me for a single stupid ugly looking goldfish...i have a beta fish that lives in a half gallon tank, no its not effing abuse...for one hesa fish. secondly if it was abuse would my fish live 3+years?? sheesh

  5. frankly speaking any goldfish needs minimum of 10 gallons..the stress is on the word MINIMUM..which does not mean they will survive in a 10 gallon...6 inches you think will fit in a 10 gallon??..actually the fish wont even grow tht big in a 10 will die of stunted growth...therefore any fancy goldfish needs at least 20 gallons to can begin with 10 gallons if its a very small fish say 1-2 inches..and then in a year's time upgrade him to a 20-25 gallon tank...this wil promote growth..Now coming to pearlscales...very delicate fish...their scales are actually small pearls which fall easily if not careful..once they fall off they dont grow back..they are that delicate...also they are very delicate as compared to other fancy species..therefore it is always said that pearlscales should really live 30-40 gallon setups...and like i said in your earlier question..a filter rated 10 times the capacity of your tank..this will keep him healthy...if you really want a 10 gallon..start with a single simple fantail..leave pearlscales alone...or really invest in a 30 gallon tank for 1 pearlscale or a 40-45 gallon for 2...I really would not suggest anything less than that for those babies...

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