
WHY can I Have a Fish??

by  |  earlier

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OK... i asked my dad first ( wrong thing 2 do ) he said NO. So then i went to my mom and asked her and of course she says: Didn't you ask ur dad that i say quietly yes. End of it!!!! I want a fishy i Dk y i just want 1 but i've got 4 dogs and 3 cats! They think i've got enough animals already and i do and thank them for it. but i wanna get a small fishy. but i dont want to make them MAD even more by asking them constantly u know HELP!!!!!




  1. try a beta fish or gold. something that doesnt ened a lot of care.


  2. Keeping fish is a big responsibility. No fish can live in a bowl. It depends what kind of fish you want to get as to what size TANK will be required. A Betta needs at least 5 gallons with a heater and filter. One goldfish needs at least 20 gallons. Fish live for many years (some over 20 years), and if not kept in the right conditions will die very quickly.

    Keeping a fish involves cycling the tank for around 6 weeks before getting any fish, making sure you don't overstock your tank and that the fish are COMPATIBLE, doing 25% water changes a week, supplying a heater for tropical fish, checking the parameters regularly (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH), and much more.

    Do your research (lots and lots), save up and then ask them again.

    Prove to them you can handle it and will be responsible.

    Fish keeping is very rewarding when done right.

    Good luck.

  3. Ask if you could work for a betta. (They require the least amount of space and work. needing only 2 gallons, heater and filter)

    Maybe do some chores around the house everyday for about a month or so than see if you can work out a deal. It proves you are responsible enough for a new pet ;)

    Good luck!

  4. Maybe ask them if you can have a beta. In a bowl not a fish tank. Fish tanks are a HUGE pain to clean. Beta are cheap and easy to take care of, most offices even let their employees have them on their desk.

    Betta's don't require a tank, they can live happily in a bowl. They make special bowls just for them. They don't require a heater or filter. Why don't you go to your local pet store and ask about them?

  5. you could ask your dad why it would be a problem having a fish as they can be low maintenence if you get a betta or one small fish.  If you do good taking care of your other pets then there should be no problem.  If you have the money to pay for all of your fish's things (or even half) you could offer to pay for or help pay for the cost of a fish.  

    The worst thing you can do is beg for the fish.  Your best bet would be asking your dad to talk to you for just a little bit to clarify why having a fish isn't allowed (other than having too many pets).  

    If he thinks its just a sudden whim then you could agree to wait a month and if you still want one just as badly then you could get them.  

    If you take good care of your other pets then the "having too many pets" argument isn't a good one and you can point that out to your dad.

  6. I had the same problem i just got my pet betta. I wrote my parents a persaussive essay on why i sholud get the fish 2 days after i got my pet betta.YAYI got asked if they could pay for the tank and all the things i would need first like fish food.....and i would pay for the rest.Hope u get ur fish.

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