
WHY did McCain use Obamas face on a dollar bill? (long before the "race card" controversy - Ad out June 27th)

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If you haven't seen the ad, you're not alone (hasn't gotten any coverage):

Ok. read this and then watch it again - I'm curious to see your take.

Ad's like this are consciously very detail oriented, with everything being there for a reason and in the exact intended order to evoke something in the viewer. The most important things is NOT the words, but how the images appeal to to our subconscious and preconceived notions so I would advise watching in with the volume down.

So what was McCain trying to accomplish by sticking Obamas face on some of the most grandiose symbols of America - the Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, and of course our currency? What was McCain trying to accomplish by tinting Obamas face yellow, and creating those shallow eyes where he ends up starry eyed? And why all the subtle explosions ( I counted eight in the 25 seconds)?

Is it possible that Obamas comments on July 30th were in response to this kind of ad? If they stick him on a dollar bill, does Obama have the right to defend himself and refer to the image without it being characterized as playing the race card?




  1. Are you sure you actually saw this on television? The graphics, especially on Mount Rushmore and the dollar, look so sloppy that I really doubt the McCain campaign would have done this. Also, they usually have to end with "I'm John McCain, and I authorized this ad!"

    EDIT - I really REALLY don't think this is a real ad. Look at all of the comments, several repeat my same concerns. Also, this is a little too convenient, don't you think? Also, I can't find this anywhere on Google or Yahoo! and if Obama were commenting on this ad he would have said so rather than floundering around trying to make it go away. I really think someone is having fun with us.

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