
WHY did the government decided that every TV should go digital all of a sudden?

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Why can't we have both types of signals like we do today?




  1. can't tax an analog signal

  2. They are freeing up the lower spectrum of bandwidth for emergency response and other areas.

  3. Actually, it's not all of a sudden.  In the US, the transition has been in motion since the mid 1990s.  Broadcasters have had digital signals in the air since 2002.  It's just now getting to the point that consumers will have to make a decision.

    The idea that this is being done to free up spectrum is sort of a half-truth.  If you notice, the digital signal takes the same amount of bandwidth (6 MHz) as the analog signal does and there are at least the same number of stations on the air.  The original motive was to move the stations closer together into a smaller part of the spectrum so the government could auction off pieces for profit.  UHF TV used to go to channel 83, now it only goes to 51.  Also the low VHF band will be vacant.  The public safety spectrum space argument didn't really gain momentum until after 9/11.  By then, the digital transition was already in motion.

    Why can't we have both types of signals like we do today?  For one thing this is taking up twice the channel space (each station has an analog and a digital channel).  That is indeed wasteful.

    I hope this helps.

    EDIT:  The decision that set the date was made (I think) in mid 2006, so we've all had a running start at this hurdle.

  4. they have been working on this idea for a long time,

    but there have been a few hurdles along the way, as they get over the hurdles things start to change. as for why? the radio spectrum was very congested and as the population grows more radio spectrum is required for the extra services.

    the bandwidth required by just one analogue TV station can now contain at least six digital channels. so with more spectrum freed up things become a little easier, and don't forget the TV stations can now have more programs and adds out there so its probably a mix of both.

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