
WHY do Feminists keep changing the definition of "EQUALITY"?

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I've noticed from many many questions and answers that the feminists often change the definition of equality depending on the situation.


If someone asks: "Should a woman be allowed to be President of the U.S.?"

Feminists will say: "Of course! Women are equal to men and can do ANY job a man can do! The only difference between men and women is physical strength".

FINE... but WAIT.. theres more....

When someone asks: "Why do women gossip more than men? Or Why do women like shopping so much? Or Why do women cry over stupid things? Or Why do women use s*x as a weapon?"

Suddenly "equality" takes on a DIFFERENT definition and the feminists will say: "Equality doesn't mean "sameness" it just means "equal worth" under the law."

But don't women already have equal worth under the law? What am I missing? Also, according to the dictionary, equality DOES mean "sameness" fyi.

So feminists.. can you ONCE AND FOR ALL tell me the definition of "equality"?




  1. Equality means half and half. We all have responsibility at one point.

  2. No one is changing the definition.  

    You are cherry picking an inconsistent set of responses.

    And you are mixing up equal rights & opportunities with  different traits and preferences.

  3. As long as men want s*x more than women do, we will never be equal.  I wish everyone would just make peace with that.

  4. 1. the state or quality of being equal; correspondence in quantity, degree, value, rank, or ability.  

    2. uniform character, as of motion or surface.  

    3. Mathematics. a statement that two quantities are equal; equation.

  5. It's quite simple - equality doesn't mean the same, it means equal rights. So you ask should 'a woman' be allowed to be president the answer is of course. But that doesn't mean that a particular woman (eh Hillary) should be, in the same way just because 'a man' can be president doesn't mean that your next door neighbour should be.

    And the answers the same to things like gossip, crying over stupid things - WOMEN don't. Some women do as do some men.

  6. The definition of equality is "equal opportunity under the law and, barring sexist idiocy, equal treatment socially."

    When we answer "Should a woman become president?," the answers mean "There is no legitimate reason to keep someone from running for president on account of gender." Sameness is not implied here.

  7. HAHA women here are gonna hate me, I'm not a femenist, I'm anti-femenism, my place is in the home, looking after my family. My partner works all the hours god sends to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table as I have a severe illness that prevents me from going out to work and I'm also 7 months pregnant so I need to rest a lot, as a result of this I keep up my end of the relationship by cooking, cleaning and looking after thing at home. Don't get me wrong he helps out a lot, especially when Im particularly bad or tired but I dont expect it, the only thing I will expect is equal parenting when our little one arrives. In my mind the definition of equality is working together, doing the same amount of work, to achieve the same goals, in this example a good life. I appreciate being able to vote (not that it ever really counts) and being able to go out unescorted so I dont hold Victorian ideals but at the same time men and women are already equal in my mind, as we're all human beings and at the end of the day, thats all that really matters. Femenists are just arrogant and trying to prove that they're better than the other gender, which is wrong.

    Gimme lots of thumb-downs ladies! :D

  8. You see what you want to see.

    You hear what you want to hear.

  9. "feminist" is an outdated term, as modern feminists often desire the coexistence of equal rights and chauvanism, which is impossible. they now have no purpose, as you cannot "petition" a social change, rather it has to come of it's own accord

  10. They use a variety of definitions, depending on what they are trying to get.  Whichever one gets them what they want is the one they use at the time.

  11. Feminism HQ says that "Words don't mean what they mean, they mean whatever we want them to mean".

    Didn't you know that?

    "Manipulate words and their use and you control the mind" - Political correctness maxim.

    (Celtish of the House of Ish)

  12. Control the meaning of words, control communication, control the debate, control the policy, control the state.

    "It's quite simple - equality doesn't mean the same, it means equal rights".

    ROFLMAO.........must've missed that in the dictionary somewhere. Define words in terms of themselves....I love it. So dog is defined as dog, cat as cat, so on and so forth. Making progress in understanding these concepts here.

    Cassius said it best.


    "e·qual·i·ty     Audio Help   /ɪˈkwɒlɪti/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[i-kwol-i-tee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

    –noun, plural -ties.

    1. the state or quality of being equal; correspondence in quantity, degree, value, rank, or ability.

    2. uniform character, as of motion or surface.

    3. Mathematics. a statement that two quantities are equal; equation.

    [Origin: 1350–1400; ME < L aequālitāt- (s. of aequālitās). See equal, -ity]

    —Synonyms 1. equivalency, parity, correspondence, SAMENESS; justice, fairness, impartiality".

    Equal adj. 1. IDENTICAL in size, extent, etc. 2. Having the SAME rights, rank, etc.

  13. Feminism has an Orewellian talent for redefining words way beyond their original meaning. A classic case is 'violence' in terms of domestic violence, which now includes insults, phone calls, refusing to have s*x, and your partner being afraid of you.


    And as for the Equality Minister who wants women to be hired in preference to men? Well the previous minister got fired for doing that, so how come the definition of equality has changed?


    "In September 2005, a Judicial Review found [Patricia] Hewitt "guilty of unlawful s*x discrimination" when she employed a female applicant for a DTI position ahead of a significantly stronger male candidate... The case was particularly notable because Hewitt was Minister for Women and Equality at the time"

  14. I'm not sure why you think that having equal rights equate to everyone being the same.  All that we are saying is that a person's capabilities, such as the capability of being a competent president, are not dependent upon gender.  Gender does not dictate what abilities a person has, so anyone, male or female, should have a right to run for president, be a nurse, be a firefighter, etc.  That doesn't mean that every female and every male are capable of all these professions.  

    We have equal rights, according to the law.  Just as all races are equal according to the law.  But we all know that not everyone follows these laws.  So when I say equality, there are a few things that come to mind from personal experience.  1.  When I'm camping and my tent is up, I'd like it if people would not assume that I had "the boys" do it for me - I'm not a r****d, I can put up my own tent.  2.  I'd like to hear men being judged for sexual behavior by the same standards that women are, or vice versa.  3.  I'd like to see more parents encourage their daughters to take interest in more male dominated fields and hobbies, because fields of work that are dominated by women always pay sh*tier.  4.  I'd like to see parents not let their sons get away with horrible things claiming sh*t like "boys will be boys".  

    There's more but I've got to go now.

  15. im a girl and im not a femmy i dont need no other women or some man to take up for me cuz i can do it my d@mn self!  and it does seem kinda dumb how they change the definniton

    they are just manipulating the meaning

    and no femmies cant beacuse they are just dumb and will never be able to stand the fact that they are wrong

  16. Equality means whatever it is to get what the feminist want at that moment. Iam surprised you expect consistency from that movement of pedophelia and abuse.

  17. Why should there only be one definition for the word "equality"? Is there one definition for "muscle"? No, there isn't. "Muscle" can be "a tissue composed of fibers capable of contracting and relaxing to effect bodily movement." Or it can mean "power and strength." Or it can mean "To make one's way by or as if by force." And just looking at your argument, it appears that you are doing just that -- trying to force your idea that "equality" should just have one narrow definition. Actually, language is much more complex than you are trying to make it appear.

  18. femenists are evil b****es who the only porpuse in life is to destroy everything that's good in this evil world.

    but there's more femenists are liars and that's why they only talk about equality when it's about women getting rights,but not vice versa.

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