
WHY do feminists justify feminism in 2008 by pointing out the need for it OUTSIDE the U.S.?

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Anytime people tell feminists that they have won all their rights and have nothing to complain about anymore.. they say.. "Yeah.. but, but, but women in Iraq and Iran and China are still treated inferior." ... or whatever.

Are feminists THAT self-righteous that they believe they can go to other countries and OTHER cultures and tell them to change? Its just like those cults that go around trying to "convert" people.

And if feminism in 2008 is REALLY about extending help to other countries... why don't American feminists MOVE to those countries instead of whining about it HERE in there own country?


-Who are YOU to judge other cultures?

-If the problem is in the kitchen, then WHAT are you doing in the living room?




  1. I do not know about other cultures, but all the feminist claims have turned out to be bogus when i have weighed them in against persisting and past cultures of my place. I think every civilized culture has its own way of establishing equality between genders.

    This notion that women had been mal-treated as slaves is a feminist propoganda and no more.

    The country i live in has multiple cultures and everywhere the culture has been developed with women in its center given other constraints remaining constant.

    Society(and in fact patriachy) as i think has always been about protecting female(as it treated it as baby making machine) even at the expense of thousands of men.

    Obviosly in older days most of the work revolved around fighting battles and is almost always Men who were slaughtered in battles to protect women. And in agriculture, they kept women inside so as not to risk them and men instead worked as slaves in fields at times.

    Whatever the effect may be(even if it was keeping women safe inside houses), the overall goal was to protect women at any cost.

  2. For many women, feminism is their breadwinner. Political support and in turn, money and popularity would crash below the earth's core for feminists if they admitted the USA no longer needed feminism. Some women even admit to it, like Neil Lyndon's good friend towards the end of this story:

    If it is a way of living, of course you're not going to give it up so easily. They wouldn't be able to find another job, and you can bet your life no man is going to even think of supporting them after what they've done. So, they keep the imaginary patriarchy alive.

    It is typical of feminists and indeed women to talk and talk about a problem instead of saying "OK, this is the problem, and this is the solution."

    I asked the asker of this question their solution for a problem at the end of my answer, and I get an insult and irrelevant rant back in return.;...

    Typical of a feminist to avoid a direct answer.

    Also, I find feminists think one size fits all, and a western style feminism is needed to change all countries irrespective of their religion and ethnicity. I say keep your misandrist radfems locked up in the USA, and don't slime the streets of other countries. Each country needs a different method of feminism, not the western model of speeding up misandrist laws and must-arrest clauses based on twisted stats. Honest women exist in some countries, and I don't want their statistical ability corrupted by feminists.

    It is mainly due to this western outlook that most countries seem 'patriarchal'. Only the people living there (take me for example) know better.

  3. Their activities outside the US are if anything worse than VAWA, if you can believe that.

    See what is happening to men in Mexico

    “Mexican men who display extreme jealousy or avoid s*x with their wives could be tried in court and punished under a new law”

    And just as bad in India where you can be jailed for insulting your wife or any female relative

    The feminist movement is actively promoting these laws, and plan to spread this tyranny worldwide

    Of course they have done everything they can to cover up the truth about domestic violence, because the truth doesn't help the feminst movement one little bit

  4. If you care that much much about people.It is not only females who live miserable lives in Iraq or whatever.If the plague of feminism reach Asia I know the Vaccine elimination the carrier .Any way try telling a Islam extremists about women rights!that is a good one.You creature only live a reality of a female world.Wake up to the real reality.

  5. I don't have to move to another country to help. I can, and do, help from this country, which is where my life is.

    If it was part of another country's "culture" to rape children (or cut off their external genitalia with a piece of broken glass), would we say, "Oh,'s their culture, after all, we have to respect it."

    Sorry. No.

  6. You're totally right! All those middle eastern women who are stoned for showing their wrists or beaten to death on rumors of adultery TOTALLY deserve it! If they didn't want to be pounded with stones until they were dead, they would move to America!

    Oh wait... they can't!

    Help those who can't help themselves. It's kind of the American way.

    And if women from America went to the middle east, they'd kill us for causing trouble. I think that's a good reason not to go, don't you?

  7. Hang on, I thought feminists were supposed to be elitist and racist. I thought they were only supposed to care about middle class white women. And yet here feminists are being accused of caring TOO MUCH about women in other cultures. Make up your minds, anti-fems!

    For the record I HAVE worked in India, in a humanitarian capacity.

    And you might also want to consider that these misogynistic attitudes from other cultures are brought into our western countries in the form of immigration. I have an absolute right to be concerned with honour killings and other violence towards minority women that is occurring in my country as a result of these cultural attitudes.

  8. Helping those in other countries is called "humanitarianism", not "feminism".

    All the feminism cult wants to do is to perpetuate itself by whatever means. The people at the top of the feminist hierarchy make so much money out of their racket and they don't want to lose it.

  9. You opened up a huge can of worms.  Obviously, moving over there won't do any good because the vast majority of countries that mistreat woman are Islamic and won't change because they believe God gives them the right to do it.  Look at Saudi Arabia, a woman almost went to jail for being raped because she was in the car of a man who wasn't in her family!

    Think of it this way, is it easier for you to give a dollar a day to help fight hunger in third world countries or would you rather try to go there yourself and solve hunger, risking getting killed in the process?  American women who went to countries trying to help other women were KILLED over there for "violating their traditions."  

    The best they can do is complain while safe on US soil.  Kind of makes you wonder about people who say we should fight for female rights in other countries will turn around and say we have no right to be in places like Iraq or Afghanistan when they lived horribly before we got there (and I can confirm they live better since we came since I was in Iraq in 2003, 2005, most of 2007 and the first half of 2008).

  10. Here's some questions for you...

    Do you think it ok for multinational corporations to go into other countries and export their wares and exploit their workers and cause problems in their environments? Do you support outsourcing American jobs to other countries? Hey, let those folks in India find their OWN jobs, I say, and bring American jobs BACK to Americans!

    Do you think it's ok for religious organizations to send missionaries  into other countries to push their beliefs down people's throats? For preachers to tell people in those countries who have had established faith systems already that they're "of the Devil" and that unless they adopt American or Western European ways they are going to h**l?

    Do you think it's ok for Americans and Europeans to go into 3d world countries and take advantage of the poverty of the citizens of that nation so THE 1st World can have a playground...and enjoy lavish lifestyles as ex-pats and have the people working for them as servants? or for them to exploit their young girls and boys as s*x slaves...MOST of the predators who are abusing those children are white men who come from either the US, Germany or the UK !

    THESE PEOPLE AND ENTITIES ARE THE ONES causing much of the problems in the 3d world...NOT feminists! Feminists are trying to clean up the mess imperialists left behind!

    I wonder...

    Would you had supported Hitler in his extermination of the Jews simply because it was happening outside of the USA?

    Do you think it's ok to ignore the systematic MURDER of people simply because they are outside of our geographic borders like what's currently happening in Myanmar (Burma)? We can't even get humanitarian aid over there to those who need it...and I guess we're suppose to sit on our hands, eh?

    I suppose you think we should just ignore honor killings because "it's part of their culture?"

    I wonder..

    Do you support the war in Iraq...if the propoganda is to be believed, we are supposedly over there fighting for freedom...but hey, with your logic, the military shouldn't even be there because we're "imposing" on their culture? Who are we to judge the folks in Iraq? No we just go over and drop bombs on them instead!

    If you think all those oppressive cultures are so good for people, then I suggest YOU move over there and live under those regimes and see how you like it!

    Oh, just in case no one ever told you, the US dropped the stance of Isolationism on Dec 7, 1941...with the bombing of Pearl Harbor!

    Who are you to allow oppression and corruption to go on under the guise of "culture"?

    Who are you to turn your back on people in genuine need?

    Are we our brother or sisters keeper? YES, a thousand times over...

    and if it takes feminism to remind us of that, then so be it!


  12. I suppose the concept of empathy is lost on you.

    ...and ditto what Musica said. Maybe we shouldn't have an army since they're really just being nosy.

  13. Because they feel the need to justify their exsistance and have no other material to work with.

    And rio cultural relativism is an insane position.  Anyone even moderately versed in philosophy will tell you that.

  14. Who's telling them to change? They're the ones saying they need change. If you bothered to do any research into this, you'd know that.

    Either way, I'm as much of a cultural relativist as the next person, but when someone is forbidden from driving on account of s*x, it's time to step up and say this is bull.

  15. You are confused.  Helping women to rise above poverty and second-class citizenship is an international governmental / economic endeavor, not just a feminist endevor these days finally.  It takes men a long time to see the error of their ways and the wisdom of social stabilization over arms industry and war based economies related to "long-term profits".  No kidding, the Big Boys are frantically trying to secure some long-term profits and social stability now that they learned we're going to get to live healthy and young for about 200 years longer if we can hold onto our current economic strengths for a few more decades to allow the tech to catch up with the easy science for allowing us to live longer and young (think stem cell / human genome). lol

    There IS a line we humans draw about "cultures" violating human rights.  We go to war over human rights violations all the time and WAR is certainly a "cultural" intervention, that's for sure.  The World Bank / U.N. Millennium Goals include well-funded interventions related to education of girls and stabilization of societies all related to a global goal for economic stability.  People living in poverty is the most destabilizing variable, even over war.  The vast majority of people living in poverty worldwide are women and children.  

    These massive measures to help women and children worldwide is to economically stablize pockets of fragility in the global economic machine.  It's not being done solely for the "humanistic righteousness.  It's being done to strengthen the world economy in preparation for extremely well-anticipated challenges our economy will be facing this century.  I've looked at that stuff.  We MUST get our act together in order to successfully meet these upcoming challenges.  It's one of those roll-outs in which it's not about how many people are expendable.  Civilization for ALL of us simply isn't going to make unless we are VERY careful to stabilize every component of that global economic machine.  I hated it when I first learned about that machine, like it was the "New World Order" or something like that.  Who knows.  Maybe it is.  

    But, the stuff I got to learn about the future in some fancy extrapolations was objectively evidenced mostly natural unusual events not just restricted to global warming that REALLY must be addressed, little stuff like (this is scary when you extrapolate it) 85% of all humanity lives on coastal areas who will have to be re-located.  Relocations have begun.  But, no global economy can take a hit like that.  AND, these's about 10,000 other hits just as severe coming up.  

    International feminists are involved with the Millennium Goals, as are all Chamber of Commerces, all banks, all insurance companies, all public Universities, all major international non-profits, ALL governments of the world, etc.  Like I said, this effort to help women rise out of poverty all over the world is MASSIVE.  "Feminism", helping women to rise out of poverty and lack of self-sufficiency and self-determination through education and protections for their unalienable human rights is more of a grown-up movement than a gonadal debate.

  16. well... i don't consider myself a feminist.  but I do think it's ok for people (not just women) to try and change the way women (or any s*x, class, race, etc.) are treated around the world.   what's wrong with trying to ensure that all people everywhere have the most basic of human rights?  yes, HUMAN, rights.  women aren't so different than men, that they should be treated as second class citizens.

    I am going to go ahead and judge you based on two things.  first, your extremely fruity muscle man picture, and second on your obvious lack of respect for women.  you seem pretty narcisistic.  perhaps, you should think of what it would be like to be a woman in Taliban controlled Afghanistan.  where if you get raped, you get stoned because you disgraced your family by being raped.

  17. Wow. You need to get laid, seriously....

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