
WHY do people NOT ship to AK and HI on ebay? whats the deal with only in the 48 states?

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Do these people realize that it shouldn't cost them a d**n dime if they sell correctly and use the shipping system ebay has created just for this reason?

I can understand other countries, but AK and HI are apart of the USPS system, and all rates apply to us also. I sell on ebay, and have been for sometime now, and find this insane!

I had a woman last month tell me that she doesn't like to ship over seas! that she home schools her kids and cant ship to other countries! I swear ignorance is growing. So I'll repeat myself to all those who do this...shipping does not cost you a thing, it costs the buyer! If you can put the state of FL on a box you can do Alaska too! It is part of the United States of America.

Yes we use American money, and no, we are not considered another country or over seas. And for those who truly fail at the smarts, Alaska is AK!!!! grrr, ok I ranted enough on this again.




  1. LOL. These are probably the same people who won't ship to New Mexico because it's a foreign country.

  2. got me buggered mate i live in Australia & get things/sent to from the USA all the time

    just idiots who cant understand how to do it  is all i can think off

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