
WHY do some people not believe the bible but believe psychology or philosophy?

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i would appreciate common sence responces only not just bored stingy internet user second hand news!




  1. I don't believe many fictional books, either.

  2. because thier heathens

  3. My guess is that neither psychology nor philosophy threatens its believers with eternal punishment.

  4. The burden of proof is on the side of the religious to prove the validity of the Bible. For some reason, especially evangelical christians seem to think that all people need to just simply accept the Bible as absolute truth yet provide no other proof than just "that's the way it is" or they use the Bible to verify the truth of the Bible. That is like a defendant in court expecting the jury "just to believe him" and "accept his word" that he did not do the crime when ALL the evidence suggests otherwise. So while more things are found in this world besides philosophy, to weakly quote shakespeare, there seems to be a little more real life experience and evidence to back it up than the Bible has. Good question.

  5. Many folks are raised to consider the bible to be a work of fiction, rather than an enduring historical record (at least!) There is so much emotional baggage and negative history surrounding Christianity, and so many nuts out there that believe the bible, you'd think the folks in question might notice that the same is true for psychology and philosophy.

    The belief is that psychology and philosophy are reasoned, rational processes gives people faith in them. I think many folks don't realize that the study of the mind is a closed system, that we can never get outside to look in, and therefore it can never be an exact or "true" science. People are not trained to recognize this, and so do not realize that they are making a faith-based choice when believing in psychology or philosophy.

    Often folks are taught to believe only in directly observable things, and that anything else cannot be real.

    There are many exciting studies being done in the areas connecting intuition, quantum physics, religion, cultural anthropology and things like flower essences.  

  6. Personal choice/free will

  7. i don't think philosophy can be something you believe in. some philosophy is just an interesting thought. but i think science is also philosophy. philosophy is basically logical science. it is the use of logic in order to find what must be, not just what could be. but sometimes it finds what could be, and that's when it becomes only an interesting thought. like descartes saying perhaps nothing exists except for your mind.

    psychology is supposed to be a science, which it half is. by virtue of that people have faith in it. it uses scientific methodology to define things, so in that sense it is scientific and can't be wrong. but i think it is still in its infancy and has not yet entered the realm of real science.

    honestly i think you're kind of on to something. some people trust science because word on the street is science uncovers truth. they believe in science for the same reason others believe in the bible. it is the dominant ideology of where they were brought up.

    but the thing is science is actually designed to uncover truth. granted, most people only know the results of science, the facts science discovered, both religious people and non religious people. that's why religious people find it so easy to refute.  but with science whatever the fact is, whatever the conclusion is, you can always learn why that fact must be. what observations, what tests what tools were used, to arrive at the conclusion. this is the important part of science, the method used to achieve the knowledge. this is why many people trust science.

    from their perspective, the method, the source of "knowledge" of the bible is just an old book, that nobody knows who wrote. i mean they know their names and some historical facts, but it's all just trusting what somebody wrote, or somebody said. like, if i wrote a book, would you trust everything in it? is it just because the book is old? so will your great great great grandchildren believe anything i write in a book just because it's old? or is it because so many people believe the book speaks of truth. don't forget, emperor constantine made christianity mandatory throughout the roman empire just before the medieval ages. this is how it got so hugely widespread.

    that something was written in a book, is not sufficient evidence to prove existence. science is strict on defining if something exists or not. do you believes dragons existed? unicorns? hobbits? they were all in books.

    scientific things by nature are designed to be independent of belief, and more like knowing or not knowing. philosophy has this goal also, and psychology is supposed to also, but it is still young, freud set it back a bunch, and our tools at studying it are limited. i think when the human genetic code will be completely understood it will become more of a science, and will progress in leaps and bounds, and much that has been learned will not be erased but, sort of modified. like it has always been known that stones sink and feathers float, but the existence of gravity, and why some things sink and some float, i.e. density, were not discovered until much later.

    because science learns and knows, you can have a car and a computer and a cell phone and running water, and so many things. to accept that technology exists because of science and then reject the other things the same qualities of science discovered is hypocritical i find.  

  8. The bible and religion in general are all forms of philosophy.  It is a way of looking at the world and finding answers.  You can be a philosopher and not be religious, but you cannot be religious without being a philosopher.

    What psychology has to do with it I don't know.

  9. I disbelieve in the Bible because I've read it from cover to cover, and simply found it to be completely unbelievable.

  10. all the reading materials facts or fictions presented the way the story is told or outlined is still an opinion of the writer's perspective...

    ...believers are individuals with their own taste...

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