
WHY do you believe in KARMA?

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I've often come to the conclusion that karma is just wishful thinking. I'm not completely sold on that, but still. I'd LOVE to believe that "what goes around, comes around". . .good and the bad. Some people really desever it whatever way that comes.

But that just seems so hard to believe. Especially when it comes down the complexitys of how Karma can work.

So I was wondering, if you are someone who believes in Karma, why do you believe in it?




  1. Example..I just went through a severing of support from a friend that brought pain. It was close to and brought up the issue of an abandonment of my son in his teens. After I wrote him and bore my soul, the pain subsided.

  2. I guess it's nice to think that if someone wrongs us, they will be wronged in the future as well.  However, I don't think it's anything like that.  Bad things happen to everyone.  If there were no bad things, then we would never truely appreciate the good ones, right?  If there was no death on this earth, then there would be no new life because there would just too many people on the planet.  Therefore, good and bad will happen to everyone in the course of their lives.

    I don't necessarily believe in karma per se, but I do believe like you said--what goes around comes around.  Good things happen as well.  It's not like I "deserve" it when they do happen to me...they just happen whether I deserve them or not.  But like I said, I guess some people like to think that if they've been wronged by someone, that person will be wronged by someone else.  I don't think that has to do with karma--it's just human nature.  We all get hurt.

  3. Newton's 3rd Law....For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

    Think about it

  4. I believe in Karma because I've seen it in action. Example: my mom cheated on my dad and divorced him. She was "in love" with the man she cheated on my dad with for over 2 years--mind you, I have no remorse toward my mom for this. After 2 years, she found out the man she left my dad for cheated on her. Karma. What goes around comes around.  

  5. Good people do good things and people like them for it and because people like them they are happy which is good. Bad people do bad things and people don't like bad people so bad people are unhappy. Really bad people always feel the consequences of their actions - Hitler killed himself to avoid gruesome vengance by the Soviets, Fieldo Castro had to live in constant fear of assasination.

  6. It is a law of nature - the circle of life!  It is only logical that negativity/hatred is crushed by positivity/love..

    But we are only human after all.  Experience comes from acknowledging your past mistakes and choosing to better yourself.

    It is only a sad, sad, ignorant being that chooses to live their life in bitterness and tries to poison all that is around them.

  7. ...don't believe in religion, and i take it as it comes without expectations...

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