
WHY do you think DONALD TRUMP can get an attractive wife BUT OPRAH can't get Brad Pitt?

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A lot of women seem to 'THINK' that men care about a womans status, education and success in relation to dating and marriage.

Where is that idea coming from? Oprah is very successful and educated yet most men would rather date Britney Spears if they had to choose (including me).

And this goes for men of ALL levels of success from poor to rich... educated to uneducated, attractive to not attractive. Brad Pitt would never date Oprah.

Yet, Donald Trump who looks like c**p, can get any number of attractive women.

What does this show about how men and women pick partners and WHAT each gender is MOSTLY attracted to?




  1. Shoot, Oprah is a smart woman, she don't WANT Brad Pitt. ;)

    Seriously? Because most people judge people with their eyes, not their hearts. The world would be a different place indeed if people were judged by the contents of their hearts and the outside package.  

  2. cause when guys are rich we can afford to get divorced multiple times and some woman we were married to for four months take half our money we had before her  

  3. Well most men would rather have the looks and the man usually like to be more successful then the woman (it's an ego thing) .Most women would rather have a successful man. On occasion you find someone different though.

  4. Oprah has had a male partner for years (she believes she has a relationship equivalent to marriage) far more years than Trump has spent with any one of his spouses.    The guy is much better looking than Trump as well.

    Logically your analogy "Oprah is very successful and educated yet most men would rather date Britney Spears" should give me the choice between Trump and the male equivalent to Britney.  

    Edit: But the woman is not supposed to have any criteria for picking a mate?

  5. the reason is men at least not in large numbers dont gold dig

    it is more important to earn the money to them so they wont comprimise to obtain a hi lifestyle

    women will gold dig and if they obtain wealth on their own arent interested in boy toys because they dont want to lose the money  

  6. Because society has taught us all that it's way more acceptable for a man to have scads of money and be a little on the weird-looking side than for a woman to have scads of money and be a little on the weird-looking side.

    On that note, I bet there are THOUSANDS of young male models struggling to make it who would happily close their eyes and love on Oprah if they thought they would get the fame and wealth assured to the models Trump has dated/married. You see it on Craig's List all the time, young guys looking for a wealthy "couger" with status to take care of them in exchange for some sexual healing. Not really any different from Trump's model wife.


  8. theory is men are into looks, like, most of the time, while women focus on other things.

  9. because men would rather marry a semi rich hot woman then a uber rich ugly one, plus with his money and angelinas theyre getting up towards operas ammount id say.

  10. The 8th wonder of the world- your question

  11. Personal attraction and the fact that Oprah doesn't want Brad Pitt she has her man, Steadman, and he is hot.

  12. Us women WANT men to like us for education that is where that came from. (some men do)

    Donald Trump wipes his @s$ with hundred dollar bills so f#ck him.

    Brad Pitt has Angelina Jolie, why would he go for Oprah. Oprah will end his career by her words alone or even being seen with her.

  13. Because Brad Pitt has enough money!

  14. Isn't he still with his original wife?

    I mean, if his daughter is like. 25 years old?

    That means they've been together for that long.

    He must've looked good to her back then.

    Oprah, on the other hand, is an older woman now. People usually want others in their age range.

    It all depends on age and such I think.

  15. Mike this isn't a fair question to ask since Oprah does not fit the European standard of beauty. Perhaps if you had used another successful woman  as an example people would be able to better answer your question. YOU stated in the past that black women are not s*x symbols.  Remember that?

    I have respect for a lot of your questions and answers even when I don't entirely agree.  However, this post is conflicting with your other views.  I have to star this though because it's making me laugh.  Thank you. I can always use that.


  16. Because Brad Pitt is already married duh!!!

    So you are trying to say that all men are interested in looks and all women are interested in money. In the real world average people aren't like that. We are friends, date, marry without ulterior motives.

    There are no gender differences and gender war is in the eye of the beholder.

  17. HUH?

    Oprah has a guy; one who isn't a third her age, and with whom she has much in common.

    Your question assumes that women do all the things they love to do or want to do in order to "get" a young, pretty boy. That's simply not true. Although there are many men who value only brainless, pretty, "trophies" this is less common among women. Women who get educations aren't doing it as a turn-on.

    Although you, and many young men, would rather be involved with a brainless though pretty thing, this isn't true of all men; many men prefer someone with more than one functioning brain cell, and otherwise have more human (than purely physical) values.

    Yes, there are more women who will take any repulsive scum-bag, if he's powerful, that's not true of ALL women. Most women's values are HUMAN values, not simply a desire for "stuff" or status.

    PEOPLE vary. Among both sexes are those who value real values; and in both sexes are those who value superficiality.

    I reject the notion that ALL men choose only brainless cutie-pies, and the notion that all women are gold-diggers.

  18. Maybe the age difference?  Men like younger women.  Did Brad Pitt tell you he would never date Oprah??

  19. You are comparing the desires of a wealthy man to the desires of a wealthy woman.  Why not compare woman to woman?  Maybe Melania wanted to be married to someone who could buy her diamonds, big homes and fancy cars.  And maybe Oprah can buy her own so what does she need Brad Pitt for?

    "Brad Pitt would never date Oprah."  Or maybe Oprah would never date Brad Pitt.  Ever thought of it that way?  Why do you automatically assume that men do the choosing?  Don't we (women) get a say in who we date?

  20. cuz oprah cant have kids anymore, and oprah has a boyfriend, that she is very loyal too. and plus, oprah doesnt want to get married, because if she ever got a divorce she would only have half of what she does now.

  21. Oprah is just unattractive, that's the reason most guys wouldn't touch her--no matter how educated, wealthy and successful she is.

  22. most women are out to please themselfs opreh is a greedy discusting person she will never give of herself unless it benefits herself    i am a woman so i know

  23. Isn’t Opra well past 30? She is well old, she might be past it as they say, I don’t know

    I do get your point though, men it seem want more that a big check book, certainly not some old and ugly woman

  24. women are gold diggers and are easy. but you do see the other way around, but most men have the money as oposed to women. just my observation.

  25. IMO- Angelina Jolie is an attractive, successful, educated women and she has Brad Pitt.  He didn't go for a Spear Brittany type. As for Donald Trump and his ladies...Melania is attractive however...I don't think Ivan or Marla are.  However; you are right none of them are educated or successful in the states for anything other then being with Donald.  It is clear that as soon as one of Donald's ladies look old they get the boot. However Donald couldn't get an Angelina Jolie or a Jennifer Aniston... They are too smart to lower themselves to date that man so he will have to settle for those other women.

  26. amen, brother.

    men do not care about a woman's educational and career status.

    this simply shows that men are into the pretty ladies, whilst women tend to go for power/ money/ status in men.

  27. women go for money as for men they go for looks and if they are attracted to the person!

  28. It doesn't necessarily show anything about what each gender is mostly attracted to.  Different people will have different preferences.  Sure, there are women who are attracted to Trump's money.  At the same time, there are some women who couldn't get beyond his incredibly horrible looks and would never consider being with him.  

    Personally, while I prefer attractive women, I also prefer women who have a substanital educational background as well.  Sure, hot girls are fun for a while, but what happens when the novelty of being with them wears off?  For me, once the new smell wears off, they have to be able to keep up with me intellectually.  If not, it could never be serious.  

    Brad Pitt has Angelina who has money AND is hot...why would he want Oprah?  

  29. Because she's Oprah.

    "I always knew I was destined for greatness."  Doesn't that sounds a little conceited to you?  I wouldn't date her, either.

  30. Even though Britney Spears has turned into a dumb drunken mess with two kids who will need much therapy later?


    I think Brad Pitt would date Oprah, if either of them wanted each other. They seem to have a lot in common. Besides, he isn't all that hot, either (I personally think he's too much of a pretty-boy).

    A woman's education and earning potential are becoming more important to men, though, now that they're less likely to be able to support the entire family on their own. Maybe that will never be a problem for you, but educated women won't bother with you, anyway.

  31. Exactly. I never understood why when single women whine about being single or independent women brag about being independent, many of the things they list are things like, can take care of themselves financially, own a car, own a home, educated, yadda yadda yadda as if this impresses men. Women call this independence, men call it adulthood and being responsible. To me this is the equivalent of a man who brags that they don't hit women. Big f****** deal, it's what you should be doing in the first place.

    It seems as if celebrity females mostly marry celebrity or rich males, but yet it's more common to see a celebrity male to be married to a woman not as high in status. Women still hold on to the ideas of a male being the breadwinner or at least be near her level even when it doesn't make sense for a woman who is already rich/wealthy, which limits their dating pool. Men are supposed to be the most superficial gender but yet men are more willing to expand their preferences.

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