
WHY do you want to be an actress?

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WHY do you want to be an actress?




  1. Because I love acting. I love adding layers to a character, making them seem real by adding mannerisms and habits. I love the fact that you can be someone completely different and yet still be yourself at the same time. I love everything about acting.

  2. Acting is something I love to do. It is such A great actvite You are introduced to so many new ways of life that you ussally would not incounter!

  3. I enjoy acting for the same reasons every one else has mentioned but with one addition. I do not enjoy working in front of a camera as much as I do a live audience. Each audience has it's own rhythm. Some times you need to pause after the set up before you deliver the punch line so they can keep up with you and others you will have to hurry to keep up with them. Some times you will need to ride a laugh or other reaction then quickly pick it up on the down side before it dies. Other nights you won't even get a reaction and you need to move on without missing a beat. Too many of our young actors and actresses grew up on media and have no idea about what "working the house" means It is a special skill that needs to be honed. Some pick it up naturally. For others it is a learned skill. Some have no sensitivity and shouldn't be on stage.

  4. you should try asking whisperer93, or look at her question : "How do i get into acting?????PLEASE!"

    She'll tell you all about it. lol!

    why not? you make people happy,enter another world, become another person, learn new things, and sometimes even get paid, haha!



  5. Why not? Acting is my LIFEEE. I love it soo much. You can be anyone you want to be, you can make the charater (sp) ur own. I dont know how to explain it. All I can say is, Its like, the coolest feeling ever before they start to film you, or before you go on stage. I lovee it.

  6. I love getting the oppurunity to meet the wonderfull people and experiencing new place and things.

    I also love doing acting class, heashot, resume

  7. Because I like all the attention and I LOVE ACTING!!! Everybody says that I'm really good at it!! Plus I love dating other actors!!!(Like Robert Downey Jr.!!!!)

  8. Because I love acting.

    Why else?

    I love to perform, create, entertain, become someone else, tell a story, etc.

    I love acting and theatre so much that I can't imagine going through life with a different career, even if it means spending years upon years with no work, with a waitressing job to pay the rent on my terrible crappy apartment.

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