
WHY does GOD Test some more so then others?

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people who say we test ourselfs no i believe GOD does put us to tests to see how much we do have faith and trust in him. But what i do not understand is why does he test some people more so then others?




  1. 1) God doesn't exist.

    2)God can test no one.

  2. In my opinion, God only puts on you what you can handle.  

  3. God said he was just.  He never said he was fair.

  4. God only gives you what he knows you can handle. For example, on TV the other day I saw this deaf teenage girl joining many competitions and doing many great things and she even spoke even though it was very difficult for her to understand at times. I think someone like that is extremely brave, and I don't think I could handle being in her place.

  5. To ensure that there is fairness to all, he picked the names out of the hat.

  6. Count it all joy when you are going through trials and tests.

    The testing of your faith works patience.  Let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete wanting nothing.  

    Blessed is the man that endures temptation (trials):  for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to them that love him.

    Read James the 1st chapter and get all of your answers.

  7. Either your god is make-believe or sadistic.  Take your pick.

  8. God does not test us.

    (James 1:13) When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone.

    He does however allow us to be tested.  Going back to the Garden of Eden, Satan seduced Adam and Eve into sinning and rebelling against God. He challenged God's right to rule and he accused mankind of serving God out of selfish motives.  By allowing us to be tested we are given the opportunity to follow God's standards despite the lack of paradise conditions and we can prove Satan to be a liar.  God also has plans to put an end to the suffering we see, which is caused by Satan, and restore the Earth to its original paradise, and reward those who remained faithful through their tests.

  9. i don't know.  maybe it's just those certain people are a lot stronger.  God only gives you what you can handle so perhaps we should take that as a compliment.  that God knows we are strong enough to get through that, and to know that we can put all our faith in him, and give him our troubles.  to know that we can trust him blindly.

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