
WHY does my father keep cutting a hole in the bottom of my pants while I am asleep and telling me to wear sho?

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okay, here's the deal. I am 22 and just graduated college in May 2008. Prior to May 2006 my family (bro who is 24, sis who is 21, and mom) were living in a house, but then my mother decided she'd had a nervous breakdown and when she recovered had my father go stay with my grandma. The night after he went to stay with my grandma, my mother lied and said she was going to get pizza, unplugged the phone without telling us, and really went to pick up her psychotic online friend Crystal who had taken the bus from Albany, NY to Maryland. The following day we had to pack up whatever we could and move to an apartment in Albany, NY, and if I protested Crystal would just hit me and yell. Also my siblings and I can not drive and had no vehicle anyway. In Aug. 2006 my mother drove me back to Maryland, but Crystal came along and yelled at me any time I said or did anything "wrong." Now I am staying with my father at my grandma's house (who has no internet; I am just on a library computer). Ever since I have been staying with my grandma I have been sleeping on the sofa, and my father comes in night and "bothers" me, and when I say anything he just tells me to "just shut up" or denies doing anything. And he insist that I wear shorts to sleep in and will not watch TV unless I do so, has also cut holes in the bottom of my pants. I know because I wake up when I feel him doing something and see him by me, and can tell my pants have been cut. Now mind you I am 22 and if I could afford to go anywhere or drive I most certainly would. I could go to my mother's father's house, who I know loves me and wants to help me, but I don't call call him because my father gets mad and my grandma does not want me using her phone. So now I am kind of afraid to call him because I think he will be mad that I haven't called him. Likewise, to get over there my father would have to take me, and he would never take me if he knew I was going to stay. It's like I have to depend on my father since I can't drive, but otherwise I would not even be living with him; I would leave and live with my grandpa. Also, my father does not want me to try to get a job because he thinks I will not get medicaid or social security which he had me apply for because I have lupus. So what should I do? I want my father to leave me the **** alone, stop cutting holes in my pants, and stop trying to have s*x with me, if that is what he is trying to do. But I can't say that to him because he will probably threaten not to take me places I need to go anymore or something. So just what can I do about my father??




  1. that is just weird

  2. Most of those type of watch movies online sites usually have a fee to pay for their services.

    Maybe you can try

    Not fantastic but meets the need.

    Hope this helps.


  3. YOU NEED TO GET OUT!!! call a friend to take you somewhere safe.

  4. leave. your 22. Confront your dad and tell him to leave you the beep alone. If he is trying to molest you rape you, etc. you need to leave and call the police. even if he is your father, doesn't mean that he should be allowed to try that c**p with you or anyone else and get away with it.

  5. You're 22 - time to move out and grow up.

  6. wow ur life is complicated, i think u should call ur grandfather the good 1 and go to his house asap the life you are living at the moment is terrible, where are your siblings?why arent u staying with ur mum or siblings u could have explained better. call ur grandad before it get s worse

  7. You need to get out of that house.  This is not a good relationship.  Your dad just wants the money you will get for himself.  You will never see a red cent of it if you stay there.  Plus, I know that having Lupus is not considered a disability enough to get Social Security.  

    I would call the other grandpa, have him meet me somewhere, and go to him.  Don't rely on your dad to take you because he may not get you there in one piece.  He seems to me to have a warped mind.  

    Once you are at your other grandpa's house, let the welfare office know you have moved. and put it down that no personal information can be given to your dad.

    You are old enough to make up your own mind about what you want to do.  He has no hold on you once you turn 21.  

  8. Your 22. You are an adult now. Move out and get a job. Make enough money to get an apartment.  

  9. Well, the answer depends on whether or not anyone has ever told you that you have "special" problems.


    Are you just a troll.

    In either case, you are a little skewed in your way of thinking.

    Perhaps it is best to contact a mental health facility.

    Good luck

    Erica, I'm sorry.

    That answer was totally inappropriate. I went back and read some of the other questions you have posted.

    You seem to be in a mess right now.

    It's time to call your grandpa.

    It is not okay for your dad to do anything like what he is doing to you.

    You don't deserve that.

    Things are going to have to change.

    You need your own life.

    Let him get mad!

    This one life is all you have, Erica. It's the only life any of us has.

    Take control of it.

    You are obviously very intelligent, but very confused.

    Many people with autism go on to have good lives.

    You deserve to be happy.

    Call your grandfather and have him come get you.

    You can then work, in peace, on getting your life together.

    There are many people that need roommates. There is help out there, if you just ask.

    Trust me.

    The best of luck to you.

    And remember, rash judgments like my insensitive error are everywhere, but in the end, yours is the only one that matters.

  10. WOOOOOOOWWWWWW.........

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