
WHY don't fast food places EVER get orders RIGHT?!!??! is anyone else like really fed up of this?

by  |  earlier

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ADD: what the heck is wrong with you people? you're all treating me like i'm some over-expecting snobbish customer. i am VERY polite and VERY understanding, but it's kinda hard to tolerate when you clearly state your order and your order is wrong i would say, more than 50% of the time. if you haven't dealt with that, then maybe you shouldn't even answer. i know these people may be new to the job, but what are the chances of EVERY CASHIER being new to the job? and even if you're new, the buttons say "LARGE FRY" "SMALL NUGGETS", really it's not that hard. and if they think it's hard, they should find an even easier job. i'm sorry they didn't go to school, i know people have financial problems sometimes, but all i can say is, if there's a will, there's a way. and it's ok if one or two people are severely bad at their job, but more than 50% tells me there's an issue. so that's for all of you "aww poor baby cashiers" people. and thanks to the people that agree with me. end rant.




  1. I know someone who used to work at Macdonald's and he said they used to make all of the burgers in the morning and just heat them up throughout the day.  To get a fresh one just try ordering without ketchup so they have to make a new one.  (even then they might still put their laziness in front of your satisfaction)

  2. EVER is such a strong word.  McDonald's and other fastfood places Do NOT make up burgers in the morning and heat them up through the day.  Sandwhiches are made to order.  Who ever said that is not telling the truth.

  3. they sometimes they do it to me but you should expect it

  4. Maybe you’re talking too fast. I always speak verrrryyy sllooowllly.

    I-would-like-a-number-one-with-a-no-ke... Pepper.

    Then, if there’s any uncertainty, I repeat the order back to the cashier before I pay. It works for me.

  5. I wouldn't say they NEVER get it right because they do.  It may feel like it's a lot because it's so aggravating when it does happen.  I find my order gets messed up when I order something different than how they usually make it.  Like only ketchup on a hamburger, for example.  Have them repeat the order back to you and I always repeat what the special order is in case they didn't get what I said the first time.

  6. It's really no big suprise any more. Thats pretty bad isnt it?

    When ever i go through the drive throu i refuse to pull away from the food window until i check my order to make should its right and all there.

  7. No, what twerks me off is when, after standing in line for 5 or 10 minutes, the family in front of me with the three kids waits until they're ordering to ask their 3 and 4 and 5 year olds what they want, and then read them the combo choices and then ask them again, and then argue with them about it.  What were they doing all that time in line????

  8. mine is hardly ever wrong.

  9. h**l ya i am

    one time i orderd an avocado burger

    them sons of bltchs give me a damm chicken patty

  10. You can't say "ever" but they do mess up a lot.  My problem is with McDonalds.  I don't want egg on the sausage mcmuffin and 75% of the time I get egg.  I pull it off and feed it to the birds, but it pisses me off to no end that they do not listen.  Another place is Dunkin Donuts,  I don't want a bagel toasted and 40% of the time it's toasted!  What are you going to do but complain to the 800 # and get a coupon some of the time!.

  11. yes it pisses me off...But do you notice something its normally the same fast food places.

    I never have had a wrong order at chick filet they seem to double check it.wendys does well here also...

    Mcdonalds we go through there often its at the end of our housing devlopment for tea and shakes. its never right!!theyve forgotten something 9 out 10 times!!i kept track!!its ridiculous..

  12. what do you expect maybe the person working there is new you think they work for 8 hours and get every single order right?

  13. I work at Wendy's part-time, and more often than not it is the customers fault (usually because they forget to mention something, or they are not clear enough). There are however exceptions though. For instance, when the cashier is new or useless (trust me, there is always one useless person at any given restaurant. And yes, often times it is the fault of an experienced cashier, but c'mon, give us a break! It is not personal  and we really do feel badly for messing up your orders. If you hold your tongue the cashier is sure to be sorry and apologize endlessly. If you find that your orders are always messed up at a certain place, ask the cashier to repeat it; it will save both of us a lot of time and annoyance.

    I understand how frustrating it can be, because I too have had orders botched. I find that being polite in pointing out errors to a cashier, makes it a more plesant, smooth and quick experience for everyone!



  15. i love America but thats why yall so d**n fat, stop eating those type of food and stop complaining. cook at home less money, a lil more time but its worth it

  16. EDIT for quest:

    I’m not treating you like you’re snobbish.  I'm sorry if I came off that way.  I know some people are just stupid and it can’t be avoided. lol  A lot of these places hire mentally challenged people to work for them because that’s basically all they could possibly do to make money.

    But if the employees are young high school kids then they should have the capability to get something right and they are the ones that deserve being yelled at.  lol  

    The people working at those places get paid hardly nothing.  I know it gets really aggravating to get your order messed up but you need to kind of give these people a break.  Most of them work hard for forty hours a week and still have to depend of food stamps and government aid.  If anything, you should be mad at the business owners.  If they paid their workers a decent wage then maybe you would get decent service… you know what I mean?  Boycott the business but give the workers a break… they can hardly afford to feed themselves and you expect one hundred percent order accuracy served with a smile?  Put yourself in other people’s position before you start criticizing them.  No offence intended, I'm just concerned with the way people look down on hard working citizens because they may have a better job.  Just look at from their perspective and have a heart.

    Gotta love the a*****e that gave me a thumbs down for having a heart.

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